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  • 中国人民大学出版社
  • 9787300155357
  • 1-1
  • 259134
  • 2012年9月


Part One West Publishing Industry in General  Chapter 1  A Glimpse of the UK Publishing Industry    Section A  The UK Publishing Industry and its Top Ten Publishe    Section B  The Direct Value of the UK Publishing Industry  Chapter 2  A Glimpse of the US Book and Magazine PublishingIndustry    SectionA  The US Book Publishing.    Section B   The US Magazine Publishing  Chapter 3  US Publishing Giants, Borde' Bankruptcy, and the UKPublishing Added Value    Section A  Top Ten US Publishe and Borde' Bankruptcy    Section 13  The Added Value of the UK Publishing Industry  Chapter 4  Random House Inc, and Hachette's Environmental Policy    Section A   Random House Inc. and Its Publishe    Section B   Hachette UK's Environmental and Ethical PolicyIntroduction  Chapter 5  The Coolidation and Structure of the PublishingIndustry    Section A   Coolidation in the Publishing Industry    Section B   Structure of the UK Publishing IndustryPart Two West Publishing Education  Chapter 6  Graduate Programs in Publishing in the UK and the US    Section A   MA in Publishing in the UK    Section B   NYU MS in Publishing and Description of Its CoreCoues  Chapter 7  Certificate and Undergraduate Programs in the US    Section A   Columbia Publishing Coue    Section B   New York Univercy Undergraduate Programs inPublishingPart Three Electronic Publishing and Future Trends  Chapter 8  Electronic Publishing and Ways of Reading    Section A   Electronic Publishing    Section B   How We Read Now  Chapter 9  Book Production and iPad    Section A   Print Isn't Dead--Finds Bowker's Book ProductionReport    Section B   iPad Goes Global  Chapter 10  Future Trends, Challenges, and Opportunities    Section A  Yale Publishing Coue Participants Get a Look intothe Industry's Future    Section B   Challenges and Opportunities the UK PublishingIndustry FacesKey to Reading Compreheion Questio