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  • 中国人民大学出版社
  • 9787300253497
  • 208424
  • 40217950-1
  • 大16开
  • 2018年1月
  • 610
  • 经济学
  • 经济学
  • F831
  • 国际商务、国际经济与贸易
  • 硕士、本科
本书是一本英文影印版教材,原著International Economics是国外一本经典的国际经济学教材,初版于1953年,先后由著名经济学家Charles Kindleberger、Peter Lindert和Thomas Pugel主笔,迄今已有近60年的悠久历史,其间顺应国际经济形势的发展而不断修改、补充和完善,成为当今世界领先的和最受欢迎的国际经济学教科书之一。 本书根据国内本科“国际金融”课程双语教学的需要,选取原著第15版国际金融部分的内容改编而成。
Chapter 1 International Economics Is Different PART ONE UNDERSTANDING FOREIGN EXCHANGE Chapter 2 Payments among Nations Chapter 3 The Foreign Exchange Market Chapter 4 Forward Exchange and International Financial Investment Chapter 5 What Determines Exchange Rates? Chapter 6 Government Policies toward the Foreign Exchange Market Chapter 7 International Lending and Financial Crises PART TWO MACRO POLICIES FOR OPEN ECONOMIES Chapter 8 How Does the Open Macroeconomy Work? Chapter 9 Internal and External Balance with Fixed Exchange Rates Chapter 10 Floating Exchange Rates and Internal Balance Chapter 11 National and Global Choices: Floating Rates and the Alternatives APPENDIXES A Accounting for International Payments B Many Parities at Once C Aggregate Demand and Aggregate Supply in the Open Economy D Devaluation and the Current Account Balance