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  • 中国人民大学出版社
  • 9787300074887
  • 1-1
  • 266964
  • 2006年7月
本书由美国著名经济学家、犹他州立大学经济学教授H·克雷格·彼得森和W·克里斯·刘易斯合著而成。它是一本在国际管理学界很有影响并独具特色的优秀教科书,其前3版在世界各地颇受好评,并畅销数年。本书第4版充分反映了当今多变的经营环境,对第3版的内容作了充分的更新和修订。本书可作为经济学、商务学高年级本科生、研究生和MBA的管理经济学教材,以及企业相关培训教材,也适用于管理咨询和研究机构人员以及对管理经济学感兴趣的人员。  本书在全面介绍微观经济学基本原理的同时,系统阐明了经济学原理是如何帮助企业管理者改进管理决策的,并为他们制定决策提供了一个生动活泼又实用性强的分析工具。同时本书通过大量的案例、例题和练习,帮助读者掌握管理经济学的原理及其应用过程。
1 Part One Getting Started Chapter 1 Introduction to Manangerial Economics Preview The Circular Flow of Economic Activity The Nature of the Firm The Concept of Economic Profit Profit in a Market System Economics and Deicision Making Summary Discussion Questions Problems Appendix:Present Value Analysis Chapter 2 Basic Training Preview Functional Relationships:Total,Average,and Marginal Economic Models Probability and Probability Distributions Summary Discussion Questions Problems Appendix:Calculus and Managerial Economics Integrating Case Study I:Olsen's Pre-Owned CD Players2 Part Two Demand Chapter3 Demand Theory and Analysis Preview Individual Demand Market Demand Total and Marginal Revenue Pricw Elasricity INCOME Elasticity Cross Elasticity Summary Discussion Questions Problems Appendix:Behind the Demand Curve :The Theory of Consumer Choice Chapter4 Ragression Techniaues and Demand Estimation Preview Rwgression Techniques Demand Estimation Problems with Rearession Analysis Summary Discussion Questions Problems Chapter5 Business and Economic Forecasting Preview Sources of Data Time-Series Analysis Barometric Forecasting Input/Output Analysis Summary Discussion Questions Problems3 Part Three Production and Costs4 Part Four Market Steucture5 Part Five Pricing Decisions6 Part Six Risk and Capital Budgeting7 Part Seven Technological Change and Location Theory8 Part Eight Busubess Decisions and Government