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  • 高等教育出版社
  • 9787040176056
  • 1
  • 254298
  • 平装
  • 16开
  • 2011-01-21
  • 250
  • 156

 Unit 1
  Part Ⅰ
   A. Brokers
   B. A Product Manager
  Part Ⅱ
   A. Relationships with Different Kinds of People
   B. Relationships Between the Employees
  Parf Ⅲ
   A. Accountant
   B. How fo Be a Successful Businessman
  Part Ⅳ The World of Humor
 Unit 2
  Parf Ⅰ
   A. Contract Law and Warranty
   B. Trademark, Patent and Agency Law
  Part Ⅱ
   A. Talking About the Contract
   B. Court Orders Redress in Unfair firing Case
   A. Now to Claim Damages
   B. Hire a Personal Lawyer
  Part Ⅳ The World of Humor
 Unit 3
  Part Ⅰ
   A. Parfnership
   B. Corporate Chains
  Part Ⅱ
   A. Join fhe NW Business Parfnership
   B. Creciting a Winning Business Partnership
  Part Ⅲ
   A. Which One Is More Profitable?
   B. Joint Venfure
  Part Ⅳ The World of Humor
 Unit 4
  Part Ⅰ
   A. Corporafions
   B. Transnafional Corporafions
  Part Ⅱ
   A. Types of Business Organizations(Ⅰ)
   B. Types of Business Organizations(Ⅱ)
  Parf Ⅲ
   A. Business Pracfice
   B. Workers’Role
  Parf Ⅳ The World of Humor
 Unit 5
  Part Ⅰ
   A. Management
   B. The Modem Comoration
  Part Ⅱ
   A. fxpo Shows Mobile Tech
   B. Alcatel Eyes Phone Sfake
  Part Ⅲ
   A. U.S. Airlines fo Offer Infemef
   B. The Need for a Sfrofegic Plan
  Part Ⅳ The World of Humor
 Unit 6
  Part Ⅰ
   A. Information Technology
   B. Panda Vows to Become No.l Anti-virus Supplier
  Part Ⅱ
   A. IT Industry Burgeoning
   B. Yahoo in Mainland Alliance
  Part Ⅲ
   A. The E-marketing
   B. Information Needs
  Part Ⅳ The World of Humor
 Unit 7
  Part Ⅰ
   A. Marketing
   B. Customer Service
  Part Ⅱ
   A. Marketing Approaches(Ⅰ)
   B. Marketing Approaches(Ⅱ)
  Part Ⅲ
   A. Food firm lops Dairy Marf
   B. Ice Cream Profits Melt Away
  Part Ⅳ The World of Humor
 Unit 8
  Part Ⅰ
   A. Supply and Demand
   B. Compefifion
  Part Ⅱ
   A. Convenience Stores Blooming
   B. Hypermarkefs Most favored in Cifies
  Part Ⅲ
   A. le Meridien Plans 12 more hotels
   B. Internal Business Analysis
  Part Ⅳ the World of Humor
  Test 1
  Part Ⅰ
  Part Ⅱ
  Part Ⅲ
  Part Ⅳ
 Unit 9
  Part Ⅰ
   A. Other financial Institutions
   B. Bank Cufs NPLs as It Eyes IPO
  Part Ⅱ
   A. State Banks Eye Card Venture
   B. Banking Group Set for Revamp
  Part Ⅲ
   A. Stablizing China’s Economy
   B. Finalizing a Plan
  Part Ⅳ The world of Humor
 Unit 10
  Part Ⅰ
   A. Seven Management Principles of Matsushita Group
   B. Roles of General Managers
  Part Ⅱ
   A. Meeting Business Challenges of Microsoft
   B. Meefing Business Challenges at Johnson & Johnson
  Part Ⅲ
   A. Green Cars
   B. Environmental Protection
  Part Ⅳ The World of Humor
 Unit 11
  Part Ⅰ
   A. Understanding Cultural Differences
   B. EuroDisney—A Case in Point
  Part Ⅱ
   A. The Globalization Paradox
   obal Dress Codes
  Part Ⅲ
   A. Customs,Efiqueffe and Protocol
   B. Global Business and Local Cultures
  Part Ⅳ The World of Humor
 Unit 12
  Part Ⅰ
   A. Elements of the Marketplace
   B. Cross-cultural Marketing
  Part Ⅱ
   A. Dell Computer Turns Computer Satisfaction into Profits (Ⅰ)
   B. Dell Computer Turns Computer Satisfaction into Profits (Ⅱ)
  Port Ⅲ
   A. Swatch A Successful Story
   B. Personal Life Style and the Purchasing Process
  Part Ⅳ The World of Humor
 Unit 13
  Part Ⅰ
   A. Job Hunting
   B. Successful job Interview
  Part Ⅱ
   A. Wrifing Your Resume
   B. lmproving your Communicating Skills
  Part Ⅲ
   A. How to Avoid Getting Junk E-mail
   B. Proper International E-mail Efioueffe
  Part Ⅳ The World of Humor
 Unit 14
  Part Ⅰ
   A. lls Plug on China Bulbs
   B. As E.U.Dims,Bulb Producers Shift Wesf-ward
  Part Ⅱ
   A. Japan to Raise tariffs Against Chinese Farm Goods
   B. Japan trade Spat to Expand
  Part Ⅲ
   A. Japan Trade Talks Are Under Way
   B. Art Paper May Cost More
  Part Ⅳ the World of Humor
 Unit 15
  Part Ⅰ
   A. Despite Prior Setback, Coke to Sell New Tea
   B. Ball Maker Turns Yacht Builder
  Part Ⅱ
   A. Pawnshop Trade Boosted
   B. Arabian Matchmakers:Flourishing Business
  Part Ⅲ
   A. Nuclear Plant Gone to Weeds
   B. Domesfic DVD Makers Urged to Pay Fees
  Part Ⅳ the World of Humor
 Test 2
  Part Ⅰ
  Part Ⅱ
  Part Ⅲ
  Part Ⅳ
 Words List