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以下为《Medical Microbiology(医学微生物学)》的配套数字资源,这些资源在您购买图书后将免费附送给您:
  • 高等教育出版社
  • 9787040490084
  • 1版
  • 204791
  • 42252442-1
  • 平装
  • 大大16开
  • 2018-01-31
  • 640
  • 278
  • 医学
  • 基础医学
  • R392
  • 医学
  • 本科

 Front Matter
  Chapter 1Overview
   1.1 Microorganisms
   1.2 Medical microbiology
  Chapter 2Morphology and Structures of Bacteria
   2.1 Size and shapes of bacteria
   2.2 Structure of bacterial cells
   2.3 Morphological study of bacteria
  Chapter 3Physiology of Bacteria
   3.1 Physical and chemical properties of bacteria
   3.2 Bacterial growth and multiplication
   3.3 Metabolism of bacteria
   3.4 Artificial cultivation of bacteria
   3.5 Bacterial taxonomy
  Chapter 4Disinfection and Sterilization
   4.1 Physical methods of sterilization and disinfection
   4.2 Chemical methods of sterilization and disinfection
   4.3 Factors influencing sterilization and disinfection
  Chapter 5Genetics of Bacteria
   5.1 Bacterial genome
   5.2 Bacteriophage
   5.3 Genetic variation
   5.4 Gene transfer and rearrangement
   5.5 Applications of bacterial heredity and variation
  Chapter 6Pathogenesis of Bacterial Infection and Host Defense
   6.1 Bacterial infection and pathogenesis
   6.2 Host defense for bacterial infections
  Chapter 7Principles of Laboratory Diagnosis, Prevention and Treatment of Bacterial Infection
   7.1 Laboratory diagnosis of bacterial infection
   7.2 How to prevent bacterial infection
   7.3 Treatments for bacterial diseases
  Chapter 8Pathogenic Coccus
   8.1 Staphylococci
   8.2 Streptococci
   8.3 Neisseria
  Chapter 9Enterobacteriaceae
   9.1 Escherichia
   9.2 Shigella
   9.3 Salmonella
   9.4 Other Enterobacteriaceae
  Chapter 10Vibrio
   10.1 Vibrio cholerae
   10.2 Vibrio parahaemolyticus and other vibrios
  Chapter 11Helicobacter pylori and Campylobacter jejuni
   11.1 Helicobacter pylori
   11.2 Campylobacter jejuni
  Chapter 12Anaerobic Bacteria
   12.1 Clostridium tetani
   12.2 Clostridium perfringens
   12.3 Clostridium botulinum
   12.4 Non spore forming anaerobes
  Chapter 13Corynebacterium
   13.1 Corynebacterium diphtheriae
  Chapter 14Mycobaterium
   14.1 Mycobacterium tuberculosis
   14.2 Mycobacterium leprae
  Chapter 15Zoonotic Bacteria
   15.1 Brucella
   15.2 Bacillus anthracis
   15.3 Yersinia
   15.4 Yersinia pestis
   15.5 Other bacteria of Yersinia
  Chapter 16Other Bacteria
   16.1 Haemophilus
   16.2 Bordetella
   16.3 Legionella
   16.4 Pseudomonas
   16.5 Actinomyces
   16.6 Nocardia
  Chapter 17Spirochetes
   17.1 Treponema
   17.2 Leptospira
   17.3 Borrelia
  Chapter 18Chlamydia
   18.1 Overview
   18.2 Major pathogenic Chlamydia
  Chapter 19Mycoplasma
   19.1 Overview
   19.2 Major pathogenic mycoplasmas
  Chapter 20Rickettsia
   20.1 Overview
   20.2 Major pathogenic Rickettsiae
  Chapter 21Morphology and Structure of Viruses
   21.1 Size and morphology
   21.2 Structure and function
   21.3 Virus classification
  Chapter 22Replication and Mutation of Viruses
   22.1 Replication
   22.2 Resistance and variation
  Chapter 23Viral Infection and Antiviral Immunity
   23.1 Viral transmission and infection
   23.2 Mechanism of viral pathogenesis
   23.3 Antiviral immunity
  Chapter 24Diagnosis of Viral Infection
   24.1 Specimen collection and shipment
   24.2 Virus isolation
   24.3 Viral antigen detection
   24.4 Viral antibody detection
   24.5 Virus nucleic acid detection
   24.6 Rapid diagnosis of viral infection
  Chapter 25Control of Viral Infection
   25.1 Artificial active immunization
   25.2 Artificial passive immunization
   25.3 Antiviral therapy
  Chapter 26Respiratory Viruses
   26.1 Influenza virus
   26.2 Paramyxovirus
   26.3 Other respiratory viruses
  Chapter 27Enteroviruses and Gastroenteritis related Viruses
   27.1 Poliovirus
   27.2 Other enteroviruses
   27.3 Acute gastroenteritis viruses
  Chapter 28Hepatitis Viruses
   28.1 Hepatitis A virus
   28.2 Hepatitis B virus
   28.3 Hepatitis C virus
   28.4 Hepatitis D virus
   28.5 Hepatitis E virus
   28.6 Hepatitis G virus
  Chapter 29Herpesvirus
   29.1 Herpes simplex virus
   29.2 Varicella zoster virus
   29.3 Cytomegalovirus
   29.4 Epstein Barr virus
   29.5 New human herpes viruses
  Chapter 30Retroviruses and Tumor related Viruses
   30.1 Human immunodeficiency virus
   30.2 Human T cell leukemia virus
   30.3 Tumor related viruses
  Chapter 31Encephalitis Virus
   31.1 Japanese encephalitis virus
   31.2 Tick borne encephalitis virus
  Chapter 32Hemorrhagic Fever Virus
   32.1 Hantavirus
   32.2 Crimean Congo hemorrhagic fever virus
   32.3 Dengue virus
  Chapter 33Other Important Viruses
   33.1 Rabies virus
   33.2 Poxvirus
   33.3 Parvovirus B19
  Chapter 34Prion
   34.1 Biological properties
   34.2 Pathogenesis and immunity
   34.3 Laboratory diagnosis and prevention
  Chapter 35Pathogenic Fungi
   35.1 Biological properties
   35.2 Pathogenesis
   35.3 Laboratory diagnosis
   35.4 Prevention and treatment
   35.5 Fungal disease