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  • 中国人民大学出版社
  • 9787300212890
  • 122564
  • 0040187478-9
  • 16开
  • 2015年7月
  • 310
  • 文学
  • 外国语言文学
  • H319.37
  • 外语
  • 本科
Table of Contents 
Unit 1 Politics 
Text A Lexington: The Democrats’ Daughters 
Text B A Feminist Party? Perfect. As Long as It Didn’t Last Too Long 
Text C Divide and Conquer: Are the Left and the Right in America About to Go to War with Each Other? 
Unit 2 Economy 
Text A Solving America’s Inequality Puzzle 
Text B Grandeur and Decline 
Text C 5 Reasons Why Scottish Independence Would Be an Economic Disaster News Headline 
Unit 3 Education 
Text A Hong Kong in Hot Pursuit of Ivy League Education 
Text B Is College Worth It? 
Text C Why Do Americans Stink at Math? 
Understanding News Report: The Lead 
Unit 4 Art 
Text A Why eBay Is an Art Forger’s Paradise 
Text B Is Digital Art the Real Thing? 
Text C Second Coming 
Unit 5 Sports 
Text A Jeremy Lin Takes Sane Approach to His Opportunity with the Lakers 
Text B Home Run Derby: Some Sluggers Would Just as Soon Sit Than Swing 
Text C With World Cup, Brazil Shows Its Successes and Shortcomings 
Unit 6 Society 
Text A The Rise of Fake Pot 
Text B The Ins and the Outs 
Text C Pregnancy Discrimination—Special Delivery 
The Structure of Hard News and Soft News 
Unit 7 Technology 
Text A Has 3D Printing in the Home Been Over-hyped? 
Text B Will Graphene Truly Become the Next Miracle Material? 
Text C Ebola: How does It Compare? 
Understanding the Structure of News Stories 
Unit 8 Religion 
Text A The Surprising Appeal of ISIS 
Text B Three Assumptions About the Middle East That Are Just Plain Wrong 
Text C The Secret History of the Middle East 
Newspapers in the United States 
Unit 9 Environment 
Text A Hybrid, Electric or Gas: What’s a Car Buyer Interested in theEnvironment to Do? 
Text B When an Electric Car Dies, What Will Happen to the Battery? 
Text C Obama, Chinese President Agree to Landmark Climate Deal 
News Commentary (Op-ed) 
Unit 10 Travel 
Text A Brief Encounters: Why I Love House-swapping 
Text B Lonely Planet Reveals the Future of Travel 
Text C The Great Wallets of China: Think YOU Like a Splurge at the Shops? You’ve Nothing on the Chinese Bling Addicts Spending £500m Here in One Mindboggling Week of Excess Newspapers in the U.K. 
Unit 11 People 
Text A Alice Munro Wins Nobel Prize for Literature 
Text B Profile: Alice Munro 
Text C The Secretive Billionaire Who Built Silicon Valley 
Unit 12 History 
Text A D-Day: Why America Remembers 
Text B Honoring a Hero: A Lost Purple Heart from World War Ⅱ Finds Its Way Home to Salem Man 
Text C 10 Shocking Ways the Second World War Could Have Ended Differently 