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  • 人民邮电出版社
  • 9787115396778
  • 1-2
  • 231814
  • 64211445-8
  • 平装
  • 16开
  • 2015年8月
  • 334
  • 231
  • F7
  • 英语
  • 高职
Unit 1  Greetings
  Section A  It’s Only a Greeting
  Section B  When in Rome
  Section C  Grammar: Nouns
  Section D  Practical Writing: Student Card
  Section E  Translation
  Section F  Vocational English: Meeting Clients
Unit 2  College Life
  Section A  Live with a Stranger
  Section B  Campus Housing in USA
  Section C  Grammar: Verbs
  Section D  Practical Writing: Request Letter
  Section E  Translation
  Section F  Vocational English: Bank Service
Unit 3  Learning a Foreign Language
  Section A  Learning a Foreign Language
  Section B  Why Is It Important to Learn a Foreign Language
  Section C  Grammar: Pronouns
  Section D  Practical Writing: Letters of Consolation
  Section E  Translation
  Section F  Vocational English: Making Airline Reservation and Rescheduling a Flight
Unit 4  Emergencies
  Section A  Only Hours to Live
  Section B  A Brave Little Son
  Section C  Grammar: Numerals
  Section D  Practical Writing: Notes
  Section E  Translation
  Section F  Vocational English: Emergencies
Test Yourself
  Test Paper I  (Unit 1—Unit 4)
Unit 5  Holidays
  Section A  Halloween
  Section B  Origin of Thanksgiving Day
  Section C  Grammar:Articles
  Section D  Practical Writing:Diary
  Section E  Translation
  Section F  Tour Guide
Unit 6  Food Culture
  Section A  American Eating Culture
  Section B  History of American Food
  Section C  Grammar: Adjectives and Adverbs
  Section D  Practical writing: Notice
  Section E  Translation
  Section F  Vocational English: Chinese Table Manners
Unit 7  Wi-Fi Life
  Section A  Are You Caught in the Web
  Section B  What Are the Dangers of Inter Safety
  Section C  Grammar: Prepositions, Conjunctions and Exclamations
  Section D  Practical Writing: Posters
  Section E  Translation
  Section F  Vocational English: Online Shopping
Unit 8  Environment
  Section A  We Have Only One Earth
  Section B  A Low Carbon Life
  Section C  Grammar: Tense
  Section D  Practical writing: Invitation Letters
  Section E  Translation
  Section F  Vocational English: How to Write A Resume
Test Yourself
Test Paper II  (Unit 5—Unit 8)