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  • 重庆大学出版社
  • 9787562496601
  • 113967
  • 0042183336-9
  • 2016年10月
  • 文学
  • 外国语言文学
  • H319.37
  • 商务英语
  • 本科
贺云主编的《商务英语阅读(4新时代商务英语专业系列教材)》贯彻CBI(Content-Based Instruction)的教学理念,采用以主题为基础的原则进行编写,每个单元有一个特定的商务主题,整套教材有一个自身的内部体系。编者在选材时注意由浅入深,循序渐进,符合学生的认知规律。本套教材内容不但具有实用性、针对性和系统性,而且具有时代性和前瞻性,供高校商务英语专业本科一、二年级学生作为商务英语阅读课程教材使用,也可作为英语类其他专业(英语语言文学专业及翻译学专业)及经管类专业学生的英语阅读教材。
Unit 1  Business Relationship
  Part I  Theme-Based Reading
    Text A  Building Better Business Relationships
    Text B  The Art of Business Relationships Through Social Media
  Part II  Reading Skills
    Assessing the Author's Reliability
  Part III  Reading Practice
    Section A  Reading Comprehension
    Section B  Banked Cloze
Unit 2  Business Ethics
  Part I  Theme-Based Reading
    Text A  Ethics at Work: Are Women Generally More Ethical than Men in the Workplace?
    Text B  The Benefits of Corporate Social Responsibility will Move You to Act
  Part II  Reading Skills
    Activating Prior Knowledge
  Part III  Reading Practice
    Section A  Reading Comprehension
    Section B  Banked Cloze
Unit 3  Innovation
  Part I  Theme-Based Reading
    Text A  Why Is It Hard to Innovate
    Text B  Food Shopping Online Turns to Unready Meals on Wheels
  Part II  Reading Skills
  Part III  Reading Practice
    Section A  Reading Comprehension
    Section B  Banked Cloze
Unit 4 Big Ideas
  Part I  Theme-Based Reading
    Text A  Ideas ReinvenTED
    Text B  How Far Can Amazon Go?
  Part II  Reading Skills
    Idiomatic Language in Business English
  Part III  Reading Practice
    Section A  Reading Comprehension
    Section B  Banked Gloze
Unit 5 Conflict
  Part I  Theme-Based Reading
    Text A  Knowing about Conflict in the Workplace
    Text B  How to Handle Conflict in the Organization
  Part II  Reading Skills
    Evaluating Internet Information
  Part III  Reading Practice
    Section A  Reading Comprehension
    Section B  Banked Gloze
Unit 6  Pilot Free Trade Zone
  Part I  Theme-Based Reading
    Text A  SH PFTZ: A New Era of Opening-up and Reform in China
    Text B  Shanghai Free Trade Zone: The Next Shenzhen?
  Part II  Reading Skills
    Interpreting Visual Information
  Part III  Reading Practice
    Section A  Reading Comprehension
    Section B  Banked Cloze
Unit 7  Raising Finance
  Part I  Theme-Based Reading
    Text A  Financing a Start-up Business: Methods of Raising Capital
    Text B  Raising Capital: Equity vs. Debt
  Part II  Reading Skills
    Visual Information: Pie/Circle charts
  Part III  Reading Practice
    Section A  Reading Comprehension
    Section B  Banked Cloze
Unit 8  Big Data
  Part I  Theme-Based Reading
    Text A  Big Data: The Management Revolution
    Text B  Data Scientist: The Sexiest Job of the 21st Century
  Part II  Reading Skills
    Visual Information: Line Graphs
  Part III  Reading Practice
    Section A  Reading Comprehension
    Section B  Banked Cloze
Unit 9  Mergers and Acquisitions
  Part I  Theme-Based Reading
    Text A  Basics about Mergers and Acquisitions
    Text B  Global M&A Activity up 47% in 2014
  Part II  Reading Skills
    Visual Information : Bar Charts
  Part III  Reading Practice
    Section A  Reading Comprehension
    Section B  Banked Cloze
Unit 10  Customer Servioe
  Part I  Theme-Based Reading
    Text A  Balancing Customer Service and Satisfaction
    Text B  The Customer Support Hierarchy of Needs
  Part II  Reading Skills
    Visual Information : Tables
  Part III  Reading Practice
    Section A  Reading Comprehension
    Section B  Banked Cloze
Unit 11  The Basics of Investing
  Part I  Theme-Based Reading
    Text A  Why Do People Invest?
    Text B  The Pros and Cons of the Five Basic Investments
  Part II  Reading Skills
    Visual Information: Flow Charts
  Part III  Reading Practice
    Section A  Reading Comprehension
    Section B  Banked Cloze
Unit 12 Problem Solving
  Part I  Theme-Based Reading
    Text A  Problem Solving ( I )
    Text B  Problem Solving ( II )
  Part II  Reading Skills
    Previewing Long Material
  Part III  Reading Practice
    Section A  Reading Comprehension
    Section B  Banked Cloze