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  • 北京大学出版社
  • 9787301303078
  • 1版
  • 282602
  • 42210868-8
  • 平装
  • 大16开
  • 2019年9月
  • 240
  • 120
  • 外国语言文学
  • 英语
  • 本专科
UNIT 1 Social Psychology

Q: What are you interested in?

LISTENING: Are You Interested in History?

Building Vocabulary: Collocations for hobbies and interests

Grammar: Part 1 Simple present of be

Grammar: Part 2 Simple present of other verbs

Pronunciation: Simple present third-person -s / -es

Speaking Skill: Part 1 Keeping a conversation going

Speaking Skill: Part 2 Keeping a conversation going

Note-taking Skill: Writing important words

Unit Assignment: Interview and introduce a classmate

UNIT 2 Education 16

Q: What makes a good school?

LISTENING: Let’s Take a Tour

Listening Skill: Listening for examples

Note-taking Skill: Taking notes on examples

Building Vocabulary: Using the dictionary: antonyms

Grammar: Adjectives; Adverbs + adjectives

Pronunciation: Sentence stress

Speaking Skill: Giving opinions

Unit Assignment: Plan a perfect school

UNIT 3 Cultural Studies

Q: How do you choose your food?

LISTENING: Lifestyles and Food Choices

Building Vocabulary: Prefixes and suffixes

Pronunciation: Stressed syllables

Listening Skill: Listening for reasons

Grammar: Verbs + gerunds or infinitives

Unit Assignment: Design a survey and interview a classmate

Note-taking Skill: Taking notes on an interview

Skill Review: Giving opinions

UNIT 4 Sociology

Q: What makes something fun?

Note-taking Skill: Taking notes on reasons

LISTENING :Why Do You Come to the Park?

Skill Review: Listening for reasons

Building Vocabulary: Collocations with do, play, and go

Grammar: Subject and object pronouns

Pronunciation: Reduced pronouns

Speaking Skill: Agreeing and disagreeing

Unit Assignment: Have a group discussion about fun places in your area

UNIT 5 Architecture

Q: What makes a good home?

LISTENING 1: How Do You Like Your Home?

Listening Skill: Listening for opinions

Note-taking Skill: Taking notes on pros and cons

LISTENING 2: Housing Problems, Housing Solutions

Building Vocabulary: Compound nouns

Pronunciation: Stress in compound nouns

Grammar: Part 1 Prepositions of location

Grammar: Part 2 Prepositions of location

Unit Assignment: Design a home and give a presentation

Skill Review: Agreeing and disagreeing

UNIT 6 Health Sciences

Q: What do you do to stay healthy?

LISTENING 1: Health Watch

Listening Skill: Listening for frequency

Note-taking Skill: Taking notes in a chart

LISTENING 2: How Often Do You Work Out?

Building Vocabulary: Adjectives ending in -ed

Grammar: Modals can and should

Pronunciation: Stressing important words

Speaking Skill: Asking for repetition

Unit Assignment: Make and discuss a health survey

UNIT 7 Urban Planning

Q: What makes a city special?

Note-taking Skill: Taking notes in an informal outline

LISTENING 1: Travel Talk

Skill Review: Listening for frequency

LISTENING 2: Making Positive Changes

Building Vocabulary: Using the dictionary: word families

Grammar: Past of be; Simple past affirmative statements

Pronunciation: -ed endings

Speaking Skill: Using open questions

Unit Assignment: Give a presentation about a special city

UNIT 8 Developmental Psychology

Q: What are the most important events in someone’s life?

Note-taking Skill: Taking notes in a timeline

LISTENING 1: Henrietta Leavitt: Understanding the Stars

Listening Skill: Listening for sequence

LISTENING 2: Naguib Mahfouz: A Successful Writer

Building Vocabulary: Phrases with get

Grammar: Simple past with regular and irregular verbs

Pronunciation: Numbers with -teen and -ty

Unit Assignment: Interview a classmate and give a presentation

Skill Review: Using open questions

Vocabulary List