中国之路(英文版) / “认识中国·了解中国”书系
作者: 程天权
- 中国人民大学出版社
- 9787300167473
- 1-2
- 269688
- 2013-01
- 182
- 236
- D616
·Making a general review of the zigzaggingdevelopment of the
Communist Party of China sincemodern times,especially sinee its
establishment,explaining how China managed to stick to the road
ofsocialism with Chinese charactristics and what itscharacteristics
·Summing up the brilliant achievements made
by China since the relform and opening up in asystcmatic way. and
profoundly analyzing thespecific reasons fin-stmch
·Exploring the previous experience Chinahas got in the process of
reform and opening upbeforerc making deeper analyscs of such
expcriencein theory
·Exploring the difficuhics and challengcs Ihatmay be encountered
by China in the future develop-ment,proposing the ideas and
countermeasures,andproviding references for the Party and the state
tomdke decisions
the Choice of H istory
Ⅰ. Foreign Invasions and Chinese People’S
Struggles and Exploration
Ⅱ. Multi—dimensional Exploration and Selection of
China’S Modernization Road
Ⅲ. The Fiml Battle between Two Prospects
and Fates and the Choice of History l l
Ⅳ. Constmction and Exploration of Socialism in
Chapter l The Social ist Economic Model with
Chinese Oharacteristics
Ⅰ. To Establish and Improve the Basic Economic System
in which Public Ownership Is Dominant and Different
Economic Sectors Develop side by Side
Ⅱ. The Transition from the Highly-centralized Planned
Economy to the
Socialist Market Economy
Ⅲ. To Explore the Path of Economic Development with the
Outlook on Development as the Theme
Ⅳ. 1b Combine Independence and Autonomy with Economic
Ⅴ. The Model of Progressive Transition Aiming at Improving the
Ⅵ. The Nature and Significance of Chinese Economic
Ⅶ. Will the Miracle Continue?-The Challenges and Choices
by Chinese Economic Pattern
Chapter 2 The Explorations and Experiences Of the Path of
Deve!oprnent with Chinese Characteristics
Ⅰ. Political Reforms and Explorations of the Path of Political
with Chinese Characteristics
Ⅱ. Main Aspects of Political Reform and Political
Ⅲ. Basic Experience in Political Reform and Development
Chapter 3 The Explorations and Development of Socialist OJltural
Chinese Characteristics
Ⅰ. Initial Explorations of the Socialist Cultural
Ⅱ. Buildin9“Socialist Cultural and Ethical”and‘‘Promoting
Development and ProsperiW of Socialist Culture”
Ⅲ. The One Factor-Ied Diversified Cultural Pattern Chapter
4 Construct a Harmonious Social ist Society
Ⅰ. Social Challenges Faced by the Economic Growth of China l
Ⅱ. The Chinese Government Values Accelerating
Ⅲ. Several Priorities in China`s Social Constrution
Chapter 5 The Political Party System with Chinese
Chapter 6 Chinese Diplomacy in National Renewal
Conclusion Features,lntemational lnfluences and Prospects of the
Road of China