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  • 高等教育出版社
  • 9787040318166
  • 1
  • 243044
  • 平装
  • 16开
  • 2011-06-30
  • 394
  • 233
  • 文学
  • 外国语言文学

为满足高职高专层次商务英语专业学生的市场需求,编写组编写了一系列高职高专商务英语专业系列教材,全套共3册,包括《商务英语综合教程》、《商务英语综 合教程教师参考书》、《商务英语听说教程》、《商务英语听说教程教师参考书》、《商务英语读写教程》、《商务英语读写教程教师参考书》《商务英语拓展教 程》和《商务英语拓展教程教师参考书》。该系列教材内容涵盖学生的商务英语在实际运用时所涉及到的听、说、读、写四项技能,并结合当代国际商务英语教学中 先进的教学理念,注重围绕生活技能主题,培养学生商务英语语言的实际交际能力,同时又与高职高专商务英语专业的教学大纲及培养目标相结合,是适合高职高专 商务英语专业学生使用的一套精品教材。 其主要特点体现在如下几个方面: 1.内容丰富,选材新颖,语言地道,配有插图。 2.教学内容设计标准化,又不失灵活。每单元都采取统一的课程模式,便于教学。同时,学生练习册中每单元又包括可选文章,教师可根据实际情况具体安排。 3.配套资料丰富。每一级教材都包括听说读写等各种技能训练,教师可充分利用这些资源调动教学的生动性和有效性。

Chapter 1 Seeking for Potential Clients
 Unit 1 Fit Business Contact
 Section Ⅰ Lead-in
 Section Ⅱ Business Scenes
 Part 1 Fit Contact
 Part 2 Discussing in Detail
 Part 3 Potential Client Analysis
 Section Ⅲ Data Bank 
 Section Ⅳ Leisure Time
 Unit 2 B 2 B Communication
 Section Ⅰ Lead-in
 Section Ⅱ Business Scenes
 Part 1 Making a Business Call
 Part 2 Company Visit
 Part 3 Making a Business Appointment
 Section Ⅲ Data Bank
 Section Ⅳ Leisure Time
 Unit 3 Product Presentation
 Section Ⅰ Lead-in
 Section Ⅱ Business Scenes
 Part 1 At a Fair
 Part 2 In the Showroom
 Part 3 The Product Launch
 Section Ⅰ Data Bank
 Section Ⅱ Leisure Time
Chapter 2 Business Coultation
 Unit 4 Enquiries and Replies
 Section Ⅰ Lead-in
 Section Ⅱ Business Scenes
 Part 1 In the Showroom
 Part 2 Over the Phone
 Part 3 On the Factory Tour
 Section Ⅲ Data Bank
 Section Ⅳ Leisure Time
 Unit 5 Offeand Counter-offe
 Section Ⅰ Lead-in
 Section Ⅱ Business Scenes
 Part 1 Lowering the Prices
 Part 2 Offering Discounts
 Part 3 Increasing Agency Commissio
 Section Ⅲ Data Bank
 Section Ⅳ Leisure Time
Chapter 3 Business Negotiation
 Unit 6 Terms of Commodity
 SectionⅠ Lead-in
 Section Ⅱ Business Scenes
 Part I Quality Control
 Part 2 Packing Negotiation
 Part 3 Quantity Negotiation
 Section Ⅲ Data Bank
 Section Ⅳ Leisure Time
 Unit 7 Traportation and Iurance
 Section Ⅰ Lead-in
 Section Ⅱ Business Scenes
 Part 1 Traportation
 Part 2 Delivery
 Part 3 Iurance
 Section Ⅲ Data Bank
 SectionⅣ Leisure Time
 Unit 8 Pricing and Payment
 Section Ⅰ Lead-in
 Section Ⅱ Business Scenes
 Part 1 Initial Haggling
 Part 2 Negotiating in Detail
 Part 3 Terms of Payment
 Section Ⅲ Data Bank
 Section IV Leisure Time
Chapten 4 Conclusion of the Contract
 Unit 9 Placing an Order
 Section Ⅰ Lead-in
 Section Ⅱ Business Scenes
 Part 1 Trial Order
 Part 2 Repeat Order
 Part 3 Telephone Order
 Section Ⅲ Data Bank
 Section Ⅳ Leisure Time
 Unit 10 Signing the Contract
 Section Ⅰ Lead-in
 Section Ⅱ Business Scenes
 Part 1 Drawing up a Draft Contract
 Part 2 Alternating the Contract
 Part 3 Signing and Contract
 Section Ⅲ Data Bank
 Section Ⅳ Leisure Time
 Unit 11 Quiz
 Unit 12 Declaring at Customs
 Section Ⅰ Lead-in
 Section Ⅱ Business Scenes
 Part 1 Customs Formalities
 Part 2 HS Code
 Part 3 Declaration Documents
 Section Ⅲ Data Bank
 Section Ⅳ Leisure Time
Chapter 5 Post Contract Actio
 Unit 13 After-sales Service
 Section Ⅰ Lead-in
 Section Ⅱ Business Scenes
 Part 1 Introduction to Service
 Part 2 Customer Service
 Part 3 Customer Feedback
 Section Ⅲ Data Bank
 Section Ⅳ Leisure Time
 Unit 14 Complaints and Claims
 Section Ⅰ Lead-in
 Section Ⅱ Business Scenes
 Part 1 Making Complaints
 Part 2 Rejecting Claims
 Part 3 Accepting Claims
 Section Ⅲ Data Bank
 Section Ⅳ Leisure Time
Chapter 6 Other Trade Forms
 Unit 15 Agency
 Section Ⅰ Lead-in
 Section Ⅱ Business Scenes
 Part 1 Negotiation on Sole Agent Agreement
 Part 2 Requirements of Sole Agency
 Part 3 Signing the Sole Agent Agreement
 Section Ⅲ Data Bank
 Section Ⅳ Leisure Time
 Unit 16 Bids and Tende
 Section Ⅰ Lead-in
 Section Ⅱ Business Scenes
 Part 1 Calling for a Bid
 Part 2 Submitting a Bid
 Part 3 Concluding a Tender
 Section Ⅲ Data Bank
 Section Ⅳ Leisure Time
Chapter 7 Business Skills in International Trade
 Unit 17 Business Etiquette
 Section Ⅱ Lead-in
 Section Ⅱ Business Scenes
 Part 1 Peonal Etiquette
 Part 2 Business Etiquette
 Part 3 Cross-cultural Communication
 Section Ⅲ Data Bank
 Section Ⅳ Leisure Time
 Unit 18 Presentation Skills
 Section Ⅰ Lead-in
 Section Ⅱ Business Scenes
 Part 1 Making a Start
 Part 2 Key Facto of a Successful Presentation
 Part 3 Finishing Off
 Section Ⅲ Data Bank
 Section Ⅳ Leisure Time
 Unit 19 Skills for Successful Negotiation
 Section Ⅰ Lead-in
 Section Ⅱ Business Scenes
 Part 1 Different Negotiating Styles of Different Cultures
 Part 2 Proper Behavio in Negotiation
 Part 3 Negotiation Strategies
 Section Ⅲ Data Bank
 Section Ⅳ Leisure Time
 Unit 20 Final Test
Words and Expressio