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  • 西安电子科技大学出版社
  • 9787560633985
  • 110881
  • 2014年6月
  • 未分类
  • 未分类
  • H31
  本书共分十个单元,每个单元包含四个模块,分别是warming up:通过学习英文歌曲,激发学生学习英语的兴趣;Task:采用任务驱动教学法,完成教学任务;Related Knowledge and suppl ement:补充相关知识,强化专业技能;self—assessment:学生对自身学习情况和效果进行自我评价。
Unit 1 Introduction
 Section Ⅰ Warming up
  Study and Sing: Peerless
 Section Ⅱ Task: Introduction
  Pre-task: Tasks Assignment
  While-task: Tasks Processing
  After-task: Training Skills
 Section Ⅲ Related Knowledge and Supplement
  Position Introduction
 Section Ⅳ Self-assessment
Unit 2 Politeness Kitchen
 Section Ⅰ Warming up
  Study and Sing: Thank you
 Section Ⅱ Task: Politeness Kitchen
  Pre-task: Tasks Assignment
  While-task: Tasks Processing
  After-task: Training Skills
 Section Ⅲ Related Knowledge and Supplement
  Supplementary Useful Expressions of Politeness Kitchen
 Section Ⅳ Self-assessment
Unit 3 Knife Skills Training
 Section Ⅰ Warming up
  Study and Sing: God is a girl
 Section Ⅱ Task: Knife Skills Training
  Pre-task: Tasks Assignment
  While-task: Tasks Processing
  After task: Training Skills
 Section Ⅲ Related Knowledge and Supplement
  Supplementary Useful Words and Phrases
  Supplementary Useful Expressions
  Kitchen Rules
 Section Ⅳ Self-assessment
Unit 4 Side Dishes
 Section Ⅰ Wanning up
  Study and Sing: Big big world
 Section Ⅱ Task: Oriental Steamed Rice Fried
  Pre-task: Tasks Assignment
  While-task: Tasks Processing
  After-task: Training Skills
 Section Ⅲ Related Knowledge and Supplement
  Supplementary Useful Words and Expressions
  Extension Practice
 Section Ⅳ Self-assessment
Unit 5 A Cold Sauce and Salad
 Section Ⅰ Warming up
  Study and Sing: The show
 Section Ⅱ Task: Vegetable Salad
  Pre-task: Tasks Assignment
  While-task: Tasks Processing
  After-task: Training Skills
 Section Ⅲ Related Knowledge and Supplement
  Supplementary Useful Expressions
  Extension Practice
 Section Ⅳ Self-assessment
Unit 6 Breakfast and Snack
 Section Ⅰ Warming up
  Study and Sing: Trouble is a friend
 Section Ⅱ Task: Ham and egg sandwich
  Pre-task: Tasks Assignment
  While-task: Tasks Processing
  After-task: Training Skills
 Section Ⅲ Related Knowledge and Supplement
  Supplementary Useful Words
  Extension Practice
 Section Ⅳ Self-assessment
Unit 7 Soup Vegetable Production
 Section Ⅰ Warming up
  Study and Sing: Take me to your heart
 Section Ⅱ Task: Beef Consomme Cabbage Shreds
  Pre-task: Tasks Assignment
  While-task: Tasks Processing
  After-task: Training Skills
 Section Ⅲ Related Knowledge and Supplement
  Supplementary Useful Words
  Extension Practice
 Section Ⅳ Self-assessment
Unit 8 Hot Food Production
 Section Ⅰ Warming up
  Study and Sing: Sunshine in the rairr
 Section Ⅱ Task: Fried Ham and Cheese Pork Chop
  Pre-task: Tasks Assignment
  While-task: Tasks Processing
  After-task: Training Skills
 Section Ⅲ Related Knowledge and Supplement
  Supplementary Useful Words
  Extension Practice
 Section Ⅳ Self-assessment
Unit 9 Basic Serving Sentences
 Section Ⅰ Wanning up
  Study and Sing: Cinderella
 Section Ⅱ Task: Basic Serving Sentences
  Pre-task: Tasks Assigrmaent
  While-task: Tasks Processing
  After-task: Training Skills
 Section Ⅲ Related Knowledge and Supplement
  Supplementary Basic Courtesty Expressions
  Supplementary Basic Serving Sentences
 Section Ⅳ Self-assessment
Unit 10 Common Words and Expressions for Western Restaurants
 Section Ⅰ Wanning up
  Study and Sing: As long as you love me
 Section Ⅱ Task: Common Words and Expressions
  Pre-task: Tasks Assignment
  While-task: Tasks Processing
  After-task: Training Skills
 Section Ⅲ Self-assessment
Answers to the Exercises
Notes to the Text
Words and Expressions