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  • 中国人民大学出版社
  • 9787300059693
  • 1-1
  • 266734
  • 2004年9月
Proficient Writing Part Ⅱ Building Good Sentences Chapter Two Essential Qualityies of Sentences Section 2 Some Basic Qualities of Sentences ntence Clarity ntence Unity ntence Coherence ntence Emphasis ntence Euphony ntence Strength Chapter Three Producing Effective Sentences Section 1 Working on Readability ing Forceful Seciton 2 Manipulating Syntactic Structures for Sentence Coherence ordinating to Relate Equal Ideas bordinating to distinguish the Main Idea oosing clear Connectors ing Parallelism Section 3 Emphasizing Main Ideas ranging Ideas Effectively peating Ideas partating Ideas pferring the Active Voice the Passive Voice Section 4 Being concise tting Empty concise oiding Unnecessary Reptition mplifying Word Groups and Sentences anging Negatives into Affirmatives Section 5 Achieving Variety rying Sentence Length and Emphasis rying Sentence Beginnings rying Simple SentencesPart Ⅲ Composing Peerless Paragraphs Chapter Four Essential Qualitities of Paragraphs Section 1 Making the Topic Clear Section 2 Maintaining Paragraph Unity tting the Topic Sentence in the Best Place Section 3 Achieving Paragraph Coherence anizing the Paragraph ing Parallel Structures peating and Restating Words and Word Groups ing Pronouns as Transitions ing Synonyms as Transitions ing Consistent ing Formal Transitional Expressions Chapter Five Developing Effective Paragraphs Section 1 Developing the Paragraph Fully Section 2 Choosing a Pattern of DevelopmentPart Ⅳ Sonstructing Strong EssaysPart Ⅴ Taking Advantage of Punctuations翻译篇 第一章 词语的翻译 第二章 句子的翻译 第三章 篇章的翻译 第四章 长句的翻译 第五章 不同文体的翻译