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  • 外语教学与研究出版社
  • 9787513574662
  • 238274
  • 2016年5月
  • 教育学
  • 教育学
“思想者指南系列丛书”由外研社原版引进,供读者培养、提升思辨能力(批判性思维能力)。作者Richard Paul和Linda Elder是两位专门从事思辨能力研究的专家,他们创办的专门研究和培训思辨能力的机构Foundation for Critical Thinking享誉全球。Richard Paul和Linda Elder认为,思辨能力并不是玄虚的存在,而是有方法可依、有规律可循,他们将长期研究发现并总结的方法与规律凝聚在了“思想者指南系列丛书”当中。“思想者指南系列丛书”共21本,分为基础篇、大众篇、教学篇,分别针对入门基础学习者、社会大众读者、广大教师及学生阅读学习。“思想者指南系列丛书”语言简洁、内容明晰、易于阅读、方便携带、价格实惠,是学习思辨能力不可多得的好书。
The Theory
The Premise of This Guide
Reading for a Purpose.
Considering the Author's Purpose
Developing a "Map" of Knowledge
Avoiding Impressionistic Reading and Writing
Reading Reflectively
Thinking About Reading While Reading
Student-Generated Map of Knowledge
Faculty-Generated Map of Knowledge
Engaging a Text
Books Are Teachers
Reading Minds
The Work of Reading
Five Levels of Close Reading
Structural Reading
How to Read a Sentence
Howto Read a Paragraph
How to Read a Textbook
How to Read a Newspaper
How to Read an Editorial
Taking Ownership of What You Read: Mark It Up
Reading to Learn
Reading to Understand Systems of Thought
Reading Within Disciplines
The Art of Close Reading

The Practice: Exercises in Close Reading
The Declaration of Independence
Civil Disobedience
The Nineteenth-Century American
The Art of Loving
Corn-Pone Opinions
The Revolt of the Masses
The Idea of Education

Appendix A: Sample Paraphrases
Appendix B: Analyzing the Logic of an Artide, Essay, or Chapter
Appendix C: Analyzing the Logic of a Textbook
Appendix D: Marking Up a Text to Take Ownership of It: Example One Marking Up a Text to Take Ownership of It: Example Two
Appendix E:The Logic of Ecology