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  • 高等教育出版社
  • 9787040404968
  • 3
  • 146323
  • 0041178270-9
  • 平装
  • 16开
  • 2014-08-25
  • 208
  • 119
  • 文学
  • 外国语言文学



 Unit 1 The Earth at Risk
  Part I Getting ready
  Part II The Earth at risk (I)
  Part III The Earth at risk (II)
  Part IV More about the topic: The Effects of Global Warming
  Part V Do you know ... ?
  Part VI Reminder of key points in this unit
  Part VII Watch and enjoy
 Unit 2 Wildlife Conservation
  Part I Getting ready
  Part II Christmas bird counts
  Part III Dolphin captivity
  Part IV More about the topic: Wildlife in Danger
  Part V Do you know ... ?
  Part VI Reminder of key points in this unit
  Part VII Watch and enjoy
 Unit 3 Reports on Disasters & Accidents
  Part I Getting ready
  Part II Hurricanes & tornadoes
  Part III Earthquakes
  Part IV More about the topic: Safety near School
  Part V Do you kow ... ?
  Part VI Reminder of key points in this unit
  Part VII Watch & enjoy
 Unit 4 Have a Nice Trip
  Part I Getting ready
  Part II Canada
  Part III Traveling around Australia
  Part IV More about the topic: The Story of Denver
  Part V Do you know ... ?
  Part VI Reminder of key points in this unit
  Part VII Watch and enjoy
 Unit 5 Meet People from around the World
  Part I Getting ready
  Part II New Zealanders
  Part III What do you think of Britain?
  Part IV More about the topic: Native Peoples of Alaska
  Part V Do you know ... ?
  Part VI Reminder of key points in this unit
  Part VII Watch & enjoy
 Unit 6 Find the Right Words
  Part I Getting ready
  Part II Skills to communicate bad news
  Part III Foreign accents
  Part IV More about the topic: Love and Grammar
  Part V Do you know ... ?
  Part VI Reminder of key points in this unit
  Part VII Watch and enjoy
 Unit 7 A Kaleidoscope of Culture
  Part I Getting ready
  Part II Times Square
  Part III Americans love chocolate
  Part IV More about the topic: Bullfi ghting
  Part V Do you know ... ?
  Part VI Reminder of key points in this unit
  Part VII Watch and enjoy
 Unit 8 The Sound of Music
  Part I Getting ready
  Part II Slumdog Millionaire
  Part III Karen Kain — a Canadian ballerina
  Part IV More about the topic: Beethoven V
  Part V Do you know ... ?
  Part VI Reminder of key points in this unit
  Part VII Watch and enjoy
 Unit 9 Romancing the Stone
  Part I Getting ready
  Part II “The Scream”
  Part III Taj Mahal
  Part IV More about the topic: British Sculptures Now and Then
  Part V Do you know … ?
  Part VI Reminder of key points in this unit
  Part VII Watch and enjoy
 Unit 10 A Glimpse of the Age
  Part I Getting ready
  Part II Standing on the moon
  Part III Nelson Mandela — The Father of Modern South Africa
  Part IV More about the topic: World Wars I & II
  Part V Do you know ... ?
  Part VI Reminder of key points in this unit
  Part VII Watch and enjoy
 Unit 11 Review
  Activity I National Geographic Society
  Activity II Earthquake tips
  Activity III Learning a language in another country
  Activity IV The Oscar Award and others
  Activity V An anecdote
  Activity VI Disaster
  Activity VII Pets
  Activity VIII Watch and enjoy