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  • 高等教育出版社
  • 9787040444643
  • 3
  • 132481
  • 0041177803-8
  • 平装
  • 16开
  • 2016-04-20
  • 231
  • 129
  • 文学
  • 外国语言文学

《英语听力教程》(第3版)在第2版的基础上,选择了更新的语料;调整练习难度,使听力学习更加循序渐进;提高录音效果。《英语听力教程》(第3版)共分 6册,每册有学生用书、教师用书。前4册以单项技能训练为主,配有一定量的综合训练,题材接近生活、工作实际、由远及近,涉及面较宽;后两册以综合技能训 练为主,同时针对中国学生在英语听力学习中的难点、重点进行反复训练,题材以反映社会各领域新发展为主。本书为学生用书第1册,包括12个单元,每单元分 6个部分。内容主要包括准备性练习、单项技能和相关微技能训练、与本单元内容相关专题领域内的热门话题新发展介绍以及挑战性较强的真实录音材料练习。通过 每单元读、讲、听、说的综合训练,全面提高学生的英语听力水平。


 Unit 1 New Concepts of Health
  Part I Getting ready
  Part II Fast track
  Part III Independent listening
  Part IV Reminder of key points in this unit
  Part V Watch and enjoy
 Unit 2 New Developments in Medicine
  Part I Getting ready
  Part II Fast track
  Part III Independent listening
  Part IV Reminder of key points in this unit
  Part V Watch and enjoy
 Unit 3 Genetics ABC
  Part I Getting ready
  Part II Fast track
  Part III Independent listening
  Part IV Reminder of key points in this unit
  Part V Watch and enjoy
 Unit 4 Safe Food?
  Part I Getting ready
  Part II Fast track
  Part III Independent listening
  Part IV Reminder of key points in this unit
  Part V Watch and enjoy
 Unit 5 Life Begins Every Morning
  Part I Getting ready
  Part II Fast track
  Part III Independent listening
  Part IV Reminder of key points in this unit
  Part V Watch and enjoy
 Unit 6 On the Right Track
  Part I Getting ready
  Part II Fast track
  Part III Independent listening
  Part IV Reminder of key points in this unit
  Part V Watch and enjoy
 Unit 7 Rubbish or Raw Material?
  Part I Getting ready
  Part II Fast track
  Part III Independent listening
  Part IV Reminder of key points in this unit
  Part V Watch and enjoy
 Unit 8 Forced Labor or Uncomplaining Helper?
  Part I Getting ready
  Part II Fast track
  Part III Independent listening
  Part IV Reminder of key points in this unit
  Part V Watch and enjoy
 Unit 9 Computers: Machines of Intelligence
  Part I Getting ready
  Part II Fast track
  Part III Independent listening
  Part IV Reminder of key points in this unit
  Part V Watch and enjoy
 Unit 10 Entering the Internet
  Part I Getting ready
  Part II Fast track
  Part III Independent listening
  Part IV Reminder of key points in this unit
  Part V Watch and enjoy
 Unit 11 Review
  Activity 1 Informative advertisements
  Activity 2 Isn’t it time to take a break for breakfast?
  Activity 3 Do you have emotional intelligence?
  Activity 4 The human brain
  Activity 5 Touch therapy
  Activity 6 What is going to be done about car pollution?
  Activity 7 Watch and enjoy