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  • 高等教育出版社
  • 9787040417050
  • 3
  • 33272
  • 0040166911-4
  • 平装
  • 16开
  • 2015-01-29
  • 292
  • 174
  • 文学
  • 外国语言文学

《英语听力教程(第3版 教师用书 4)/“十二五”普通高等教育本科国家级规划教材》在编写中努力体现以下两点:



3. “标”“本”兼治,以“标”求“本”是本书的努力方向和目标。这里的“标”指的是教材及录音带中的全部教学内容与练习;这里的“本”指的是完成全部教学内容与练习之后留存于学生的内在聪慧与能力。



 Unit 1 Different Ways of Shopping
  Part I Getting ready
  Part II Net shopping under fi re
  Part III Fingerprint shopping
  Part IV More about the topic: Shopping and Entertainment
  Part V Do you know… ?
  Part VI Reminder of key points in this unit
  Part VII Watch and enjoy
 Unit 2 “Planting” Money
  Part I Getting ready
  Part II National Teach Children to Save Day
  Part III Safe investing
  Part IV More about the topic: How Much Money Is There in Your Savings Account?
  Part V Do you know… ?
  Part VI Reminder of key points in this unit
  Part VII Watch and enjoy
 Unit 3 Loans for the Dream
  Part I Getting ready
  Part II Raising money for buying a car
  Part III Credit cards
  Part IV More about the topic: The Great Euro Crisis
  Part V Do you know ...?
  Part VI Reminder of key points in this unit
  Part VII Watch and enjoy
 Unit 4 Briefi ng on Taxation and Insurance Policies
  Part I Getting ready
  Part II Briefi ng on personal taxation
  Part III Should I buy an insurance policy? (I)
  Part IV More about the topic: Should I Buy an Insurance Policy? (II)
  Part V Do you know ...?
  Part VI Reminder of key points in this unit
  Part VII Watch and enjoy
 Unit 5 Visions of Business
  Part I Getting ready
  Part II Michael Dell vs. Frederick Smith(I)
  Part III Michael Dell vs. Frederick Smith (II)
  Part IV More about the topic: The Business Plan
  Part V Do you know…?
  Part VI Reminder of key points in this unit
  Part VII Watch and enjoy
 Unit 6 Fame and Fortune
  Part I Getting ready
  Part II 15 minutes of fame
  Part III Great business deals?
  Part IV More about the topic: Gulf between the Rich and the Poor
  Part V Do you know ...?
  Part VI Reminder of key points in this unit
  Part VII Watch and enjoy
 Unit 7 Business Success
  Part I Getting ready
  Part II Witty ways to success
  Part III SWOT analysis
  Part IV More about the topic: How to Improve Your Executive Image?
  Part V Do you know ...?
  Part VI Reminder of key points in this unit
  Part VII Watch and enjoy
 Unit 8 Feeling the Financial Market
  Part I Getting ready
  Part II The commodity markets
  Part III Twitter made a spectacular debut
  Part IV More about the topic: The Dow Jones Industrial Average
  Part V Do you know ...?
  Part VI Reminder of key points in this unit
  Part VII Watch and enjoy
 Unit 9 Customer and Service
  Part I Getting ready
  Part II Complaints and apologies
  Part III The secret of good customer service
  Part IV More about the topic: Great Plans of Starbucks
  Part V Do you know ...?
  Part VI Reminder of key points in this unit
  Part VII Watch and enjoy
 Unit 10 Marketing and Sales
  Part I Getting ready
  Part II Sales talk
  Part III Vending machine
  Part IV More about the topic: A Year without “Made in China”
  Part V Do you know… ?
  Part VI Reminder of key points in this unit
  Part VII Watch and enjoy
 Unit 11 Review
  Activity I Where is it?
  Activity II Bank organization
  Activity III The foreign exchange market
  Activity IV A survey
  Activity V Is Iceland an expensive country?
  Activity VI Fannie Mae
  Activity VII Buying goods for sale
  Activity VIII Watch and enjoy