新编英语国家概况 / 华大博雅高校教材、外语语言文学系列教材
作者: 邓绪新,郭萍
- 华中师范大学出版社
- 9787562257042
- 1-2
- 142934
- 51183281-8
- 平装
- 16开
- 2016-12
- 430
- 文学
- 外国语言文学
- H319.4
- 外语
- 本科
Chapter 1 Great neral nd and People2.1 Geographical Situations2.2 Natural Resources2.3 People and Their story3.1 The Dawn of Civilisation to the Norman Conquest (4000BC--1066)3.2 Middle Ages--from the Anglo-Saxons to the House of York3.3 From the Middle Ages to the Modern Era (1485--1714)3.4 Rise to a World Power(1714--1914)3.5 Great Britain Between 1914 and 19453.6 Britain in the Second Half of the 20th Century3.7 Britain in the 21st ernment and Politics4.1 Government4.2 Parties4.3 Justice and Law4.4 Local Government4.5 Foreign Relations and onomy5.1 Economic History of the UK5.2 Economic Sectors5.3 Governance and ciety and Culture6.1 Social Welfare6.2 Family Life6.3 Education6.4 Religion6.5 Literature, Music, Theatre, Film, Television and Sports6.6 Etiquette and Customs6.7 Holidays and FestivalsChapter 2 The United States of neral nd and People2.1 The Land2.2 story3.1 Colonial Era3.2 American Revolution(1776--1789)3.3 Territorial Expansion and Westward Movement3.4 The American Civil War (1861--1865)3.5 Homestead Act and Emancipation Proclamation3.6 Industrial Growth3.7 The United States in World War Ⅰ3.8 The United States in the 1920s--1930s3.9 The United States in World War Ⅱ3.10 The United States from 1991 to ernment and Politics4.1 Political Principles4.2 Three Branches4.3 Political Life4.4 Government onomy5.1 Economic History5.2 Agriculture5.3 Manufacturing5.4 High-Tech Industry5.5 New Economy5.6 Role of Government in ciety and Culture6.1 Social Welfare6.2 Family Life6.3 Education6.4 Religion6.5 Arts6.6 Etiquette and Customs6.7 Holidays and FestivalsChapter 3 neral nd and People2.1 Geographical Situation2.2 Natural Resources2.3 People and Their Character2.4 Canada and Maple ernment and Politics4.1 Government4.2 Political Parties4.3 Justice and Law4.4 Provinces and Territories4.5 Foreign Relations and onomy5.1 Economic System5.2 Industry and Commerce5.3 Agriculture5.4 Transportation and Communications5.5 Science and ciety and Culture6.1 Social Welfare6.2 Family Life6.3 Holidays and Festivals6.4 Education6.5 Religion6.6 ArtsChapter 4 neral nd and People2.1 Geographical Situations2.2 Natural Resources2.3 People and Their story3.1 First Inhabitants3.2 European Exploration3.3 Colonial Period3.4 Federation3.5 The Impact of the Two World ernment and Politics4.1 The Constitution4.2 Government4.3 Parties4.4 Justice and Law4.5 Foreign Relations and Military4.6 Defense and onomy5.1 Economic System5.2 Industry and Commerce5.3 Agriculture……Chapter 5 New ZealandChapter 6 Ireland