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  • 高等教育出版社
  • 9787040115444
  • 1
  • 112812
  • 47221048-3
  • 平装
  • 异16开
  • 2003-02-15
  • 480
  • 441
  • 工学
  • 力学
  • 理学、工学
  • 本科 研究生及以上


 第一章 张量初步
  §1.1 有限维欧氏向量空间
  §1.2 曲线坐标系中的基向量
  §1.3 张量的定义
  §1.4 张量代数
  §1.5 仿射量
  §1.6 张量分析
  §1.7  正交曲线坐标系中的物理分量
  §1.8  曲面几何
  §1.9 张量表示定理
 第二章 变形和运动
  §2.1 参考构形和当前构形
  §2.2 变形梯度和相对变形梯度
  §2.3 代表性物质点邻域的变形描述
  §2.4 应变度量
  §2.5 物质导数
  §2.6 速度梯度和加速度梯度
  §2.7 输运定理
  §2.8 变形率和物质旋率的几何意义
  §2.9 Rivlin-Ericksen张量
  §2.10 应变张量的物质导数
 第三章 守恒定律和连续介质热力学
  §3.1 引言
  §3.2 质量守恒
  §3.3 动量守恒
  §3.4 动量矩守恒
  §3.5 功共轭意义下的应力张量
  §3.6 能量守恒
  §3.7 熵
  §3.8 Clausius-Duhem不等式
  §3.9 非平衡态热力学
 第四章 本构理论
  §4.1 本构原理
  §4.2 简单物质
  §4.3 本构关系的具体形式
 第五章 简单流体
  §5.1 引言
  §5.2 无粘性流体
  §5.3 牛顿流体
  §5.4 量纲分析在粘性流体中的应用实例
  §5.5 恒定伸长历史运动
  §5.6 测粘流动中的不可压粘性流体
 第六章 弹性体和热弹性体
  §6.1 引言
  §6.2 各向同性超弹性体的应力表达式
  §6.3 超弹性体的势函数
  §6.4 简单问题的求解实例
  §6.5 橡胶弹性变形的实验研究
  §6.6 热弹性体的本构关系
 第七章 粘弹性体
  §7.1 引言
  §7.2 Green-Rivlin多重积分型本构理论
  §7.3 单积分型的本构关系
  §7.4 高聚物本构关系的瞬态网络模型
  §7.5 粘弹性本构关系的内变量理论
 第八章 弹塑性体
  §8.1 单晶的弹塑性变形
  §8.2 率无关材料的弹塑性本构关系
  §8.3 边值问题中解的惟一性和稳定性
 第九章 间断条件
  §9.1 相容性条件
  §9.2 动力学间断条件
  §9.3 理想刚-塑性体动力学中的两个间断定理
 List of frequently used symbols
 Chapter 1 Preliminaries of tensor theory
  §1.1 Finite-dimensional Euclidean vector spaces
  §1.2 Base vectors in curvilinear coordinates
  §1.3 Definition of tensors
  §1.4 Tensor algebra
  §1.5 Second-order tensors
  §1.6 Tensor analysis
  §1.7 Physical components of tensors in orthogonal curvilinear coordinates
  §1.8 Geometry of a surface
  §1.9 Representation theorems for tensor functions
  Selected references
 Chapter 2 Deformation and motion
  §2.1 Reference configuration and current configuration
  §2.2 Deformation gradient and relative deformation gradient
  §2.3 Description of deformation in a small neighborhood of a typ ical particle
  §2.4 Strain measures
  §2.5 Material time derivative
  §2.6 Velocity gradient and acceleration gradient
  §2.7 Transport theorem
  §2.8 Geometrical interpretations of rate-of-deformation and material spin
  §2.9 Rivlin-Ericksen tensors
  §2.10 Material time derivative of strain tensor
  Selected references
 Chapter 3 Balance principles and continuum thermodynamics
  §3.1 Introduction
  §3.2 Conservation of mass
  §3.3 Balance of linear momentum
  §3.4 Balance of angular momentum
  §3.5 Conjugate stress tensors based on work invariants
  §3.6 Balance of energy
  §3.7 Entropy
  §3.8 The Clausius-Duhem inequality
  §3.9 Non-equilibrium thermodynamics
  Selected references
 Chapter 4 Constitutive theory
  §4.1 Principles for constitutive equations
  §4.2 Simple materials
  §4.3 Specific forms of constitutive relations
  Selected references
 Chapter 5 Simple fluids
  §5.1 Introduction
  §5.2 Inviscid fluids
  §5.3 Newtonian fluids
  §5.4 Applications of dimensional analysis to viscous fluids
  §5.5 Motions with constant stretch history
  §5.6 Incompressible viscous fluids in viscometric flows
  Selected references
 Chapter 6 Elasticity and thermo-elasticity
  §6.1 Introduction
  §6.2 Expressions of stress in an isotropic hyper-elastic material
  §6.3 Strain energy function of a hyper-elastic material
  §6.4 Solutions in some simple problems
  §6.5 Experiments on rubber
  §6.6 Constitutive relations of thermo-elastic materials
  Selected references
 Chapter 7 Viscoelasticity
  §7.1 Introduction
  §7.2 Constitutive theory of multiple integrals for the Green-Rivlin media
  §7.3 Single-integral constitutive relations
  §7.4 A transient network model of constitutive relations for po lymers
  §7.5 An internal-variable theory of viscoelastic constitutive relations
  Selected references
 Chapter 8 Elasto-plasticity
  §8.1 Elastic-plastic deformations in single crystals
  §8.2 Rate-independent elastic-plastic constitutive relations
  §8.3 Uniqueness and stability of solutions in boundary-value problems
  Selected references
 Chapter 9 Discontinuity conditions
  §9.1 Conditions of compatibility
  §9.2 Dynamical conditions for discontinuities
  §9.3 Two theorems on discontinuities in dynamics of rigid-perfectly plastic continua
  Selected references
 Hints for selected Exercises
 Subject index
 English-Chinese bilingual name-list
 A brief introduction to the author