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  • 电子工业出版社
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  • 平塑
  • 16开
  • 2023-07
  • 497
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  • 计算机科学与技术
  • 本科 研究生及以上
编程技术是信息技术中最重要的技能和工具之一,它是连接信息和计算机的桥梁。掌握并熟练使用编程语言已成为所有大学生必备的技能。__eol__ C语言是高级编程语言的先驱,也是最重要和最流行的语言之一。本书的目标是引导初学者进入程序设计的殿堂,内容涉及编程基础知识包括运算符和表达式、数据输入和输出、选择结构、循环结构、数组、函数、指针、结构体、链表和文件读写等。主要侧重于C语言的基本语法和编程的基本技能。我们将通过大量简洁的程序示例指导您构建编程思维并编写程序。本书旨在帮助学生掌握C语言编程技能,并为其他课程奠定基础,如C++、数学建模、操作系统、计算机图形学、系统仿真等。本书既可以作为大学本科计算机专业和非计算机专业的程序设计基础课程教材,也可以用作大专院校授课教材,亦是一本不可多得的自学教材。
Contents__eol__Chapter 1 Introducing C 1__eol__1.1 Why programming is important 1__eol__1.2 Why C 2__eol__1.3 History of C 3__eol__1.4 Strengths and Weaknesses of C 4__eol__1.5 How to learn C? 6__eol__1.5.1 Code::Blocks 6__eol__1.5.2 XCODE 13__eol__1.5.3 online compiler 16__eol__1.5.4 How to sign in to ICOURSE (MOOC) and XUETANG 17__eol__1.5.5 Can’t find GNU GCC Compiler 20__eol__1.5.6 I can’t debug 21__eol__quiz 1. 23__eol__Chapter 2 Data Types and Expressions 24__eol__2.1 The General Form of a Simple Program 24__eol__2.2.1 The General Form 27__eol__2.2.2 Variables and Assignment 31__eol__2.2 Character set and Keywords 33__eol__2.2.1 Character set 33__eol__2.2.2 Keywords 34__eol__2.2.3 Identifiers 34__eol__2.3 Data Types 35__eol__2.3.1 integer types 37__eol__2.3.2 floating types 38__eol__2.3.3 Character types 39__eol__2.3.4 void type 41__eol__2.3.5 Variables 42__eol__2.4 Constants and Variables 45__eol__2.4.1 Constants 45__eol__2.5 Operators and Expressions 50__eol__2.5.1 Arithmetic Operators 52__eol__2.5.2 Assignment Operators 54__eol__2.5.3 Increment and Decrement Operators 57__eol__2.5.4 The sizeof Operator 58__eol__2.5.5 The Comma Operator 59__eol__2.5.6 The conditional operator 59__eol__2.5.7 Bitwise Operators 60__eol__2.5.8 Expression Statement 61__eol__2.5.9 Type Conversion 61__eol__quiz 2. 63__eol__Chapter 3 Program control structure 64__eol__3.1 Statement 64__eol__3.2 Input and output 65__eol__3.2.1 Single Character Input/output 66__eol__3.2.2 Formatted Input and Output 68__eol__3.2 The scanf Function 83__eol__3.3 The sequence structure 92__eol__3.4 The selection structure 95__eol__3.4.1 Relational Expressions 97__eol__3.4.2 Logical Expressions 99__eol__3.4.3 The if Statement 102__eol__3.4.5 The switch Statement 112__eol__3.5 The loop structure 119__eol__3.5.1 While loop 120__eol__3.5.2 do while loop 124__eol__3.5.3 for loop 129__eol__3.5.4 Exiting from a Loop 133__eol__Quiz 3 137__eol__Chapter 4 The Preprocessor 141__eol__4.1 Preprocessor Directives 141__eol__4.2 Macro Definitions 142__eol__4.3 File Inclusion 145__eol__Quiz 4 146__eol__Answer 4 146__eol__Chapter 5 Arrays 147__eol__5.1 One-Dimensional Arrays 147__eol__5.1.1 The declaration of a one-dimensional array 147__eol__5.1.2 Access array elements 149__eol__5.1.3 Index 150__eol__5.1.4 Initialization 151__eol__5.1.5 Variable-Length Arrays 152__eol__5.2 Multidimensional Arrays 152__eol__5.2.1 Declaration of a two-dimensional array 152__eol__5.2.2 Variable-Length 2D arrays 154__eol__5.2.3 Initializing a 2D Array 157__eol__5.2.4 Application of the 2D Array 157__eol__Quiz 5. 158__eol__Answer 158__eol__Chapter 6 Functions 160__eol__6.1 Introduction 160__eol__6.2 Defining and Calling Functions 162__eol__6.3 Arguments 168__eol__6.4 The return Statement 170__eol__6.5 Declaration 175__eol__6.6 Array arguments 176__eol__6.7 Recursion 179__eol__6.8 Sort algorithm 180__eol__6.9 Program Organization 188__eol__6.9.1 Scope 188__eol__6.9.2 Local variables and Global variables 189__eol__Quiz 6 195__eol__Answer 196__eol__Chapter 7 Pointers 197__eol__7.1 Pointer Variables 197__eol__7.2 The Address and Indirection Operators 198__eol__7.3 Pointers as Arguments 199__eol__7.4 Pointers as Return Values 201__eol__7.5 Using Pointers for Array 201__eol__7.6 Array Arguments 204__eol__7.9 Pointers and Multidimensional Arrays 205__eol__7.10 Pointers to Functions 207__eol__Quiz 7 208__eol__Answer 209__eol__Chapter 8 Strings 210__eol__8.1 String Constants and Variables 210__eol__8.1.1 String Constants 210__eol__8.1.2 String Variables 211__eol__8.2 Reading and Writing Strings 212__eol__8.2.1 Writing Strings 212__eol__8.2.2 Reading Strings 213__eol__8.3 Accessing the Characters in a String 214__eol__8.4 Using the C String Library 215__eol__8.4.1 strcpy and strncpy 215__eol__8.4.2 strlen 216__eol__8.4.3 strcat and strncat 216__eol__8.4.4 strcmp 217__eol__8.5 sprintf and sscanf 218__eol__8.6