作者: Diane Maclagan,Bernd Sturmfels
- 高等教育出版社
- 9787040593051
- 1版
- 458701
- 46253858-8
- 精装
- 16开
- 2023-03
- 620
- 386
- 数学类
- 本科 研究生及以上
Chapter 1. Tropical Islands
1.1. Arithmetic
1.2. Dynamic Programming
1.3. Plane Curves
1.4. Amoebas and their Tentacles
1.5. Implicitization
1.6. Group Theory
1.7. Curve Counting
1.8. Compactifications
1.9. Exercises
Chapter 2. Building Blocks
2.1. Fields
2.2. Algebraic Varieties
2.3. Polyhedral Geometry
2.4. Gr¨obner Bases
2.5. Gr¨obner Complexes
2.6. Tropical Bases
2.7. Exercises
Chapter 3. Tropical Varieties
3.1. Hypersurfaces
3.2. The Fundamental Theorem
3.3. The Structure Theorem
3.4. Multiplicities and Balancing
3.5. Connectivity and Fans
3.6. Stable Intersection
3.7. Exercises
Chapter 4. Tropical Rain Forest
4.1. Hyperplane Arrangements
4.2. Matroids
4.3. Grassmannians
4.4. Linear Spaces
4.5. Surfaces
4.6. Complete Intersections
4.7. Exercises
Chapter 5. Tropical Garden
5.1. Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors
5.2. Tropical Convexity
5.3. The Rank of a Matrix
5.4. Arrangements of Trees
5.5. Monomials in Linear Forms
5.6. Exercises
Chapter 6. Toric Connections
6.1. Toric Background
6.2. Tropicalizing Toric Varieties
6.3. Orbits
6.4. Tropical Compactifications
6.5. Geometric Tropicalization
6.6. Degenerations
6.7. Intersection Theory
6.8. Exercises