作者: Leslie Jane等
- 高等教育出版社
- 9787040556278
- 1版
- 369846
- 46254124-4
- 精装
- 16开
- 2021-03
- 760
- 500
- 理学
- 数学
- 数学类
- 研究生及以上
0 An introduction to the Texas Instruments BA II Plus
0.1 Choosing a calculator
0.2 Font convention
0.3 BA II Plus basics
0.4 Problems, Chapter 0
1 The growth of money
1.1 Introduction
1.2 What is interest ?
1.3 Accumulation and amount functions
1.4 Simple interest / Linear accumulation functions
1.5 Compound interest (The usual case!)
1.6 Interest in advance / The effective discount rate
1.7 Discount functions / The time value of money
1.8 Simple discount
1.9 Compound discount
1.10 Nominal rates of interest and discount
1.11 A friendly competition (Constant force of interest)
1.12 Force of interest
1.13 Note for those who skipped Sections (1.11) and (1.12)
1.14 Inflation
1.15 Problems, Chapter 1
2 Equations of value and yield rates
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Equations of value for investments involving a single deposit made under compound interest
2.3 Equations of value for investments with multiple contributions
2.4 Investment return
2.5 Reinvestment considerations
2.6 Approximate dollar-weighted yield rates
2.7 Fund performance
2.8 Problems, Chapter 2
3 Annuities (annuities certain)
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Annuities immediate
3.3 Annuities due
3.4 Perpetuities
3.5 Deferred annuities and values on any date
3.6 Outstanding loan balances
3.7 Nonlevel annuities
3.8 Annuities with payments in geometric progression
3.9 Annuities with payments in arithmetic progression
3.10 Yield rate examples involving annuities
3.11 Annuity symbols for nonintegral terms
3.12 Annuities governed by general accumulation functions
3.13 The investment year method
3.14 Problems, Chapter 3
4 Annuities with different payment and conversion periods
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Level annuities with payments less frequent than each interest period
4.3 Level annuities with payments more frequent than each interest period
4.4 Annuities with payments less frequent than each interest period and payments in arithmetic progression
4.5 Annuities with payments more frequent than each interest period and payments in arithmetic progression
4.6 Continuously paying annuities
4.7 A yield rate example
4.8 Problems, Chapter 4
5 Loan repayment
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Amortized loans and amortization schedules
5.3 The Sinking Fund method
5.4 Loans with other repayment patterns
5.5 Yield rate examples and replacement of capital
5.6 Problems, Chapter 5
6 Bonds
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Bond alphabet soup and the basic price formula
6.3 The premium-discount formula
6.4 Other pricing formulas for bonds
6.5 Bond amortization schedules
6.6 Valuing a bond after its date of issue
6.7 Selling a bond after its date of issue
6.8 Yield rate examples
6.9 Callable bonds
6.10 Floating-rate bonds
6.11 The BA II Plus calculator Bond worksheet
6.12 Problems, Chapter 6
7 Stocks and financial markets
7.1 Common and preferred stock
7.2 Brokerage accounts
7.3 Going long: buying stock with borrowed money
7.4 Selling short: selling borrowed stocks
7.5 Problems, Chapter 7
8 Arbitrage, term structure of interest rates, and derivatives
8.1 Introduction
8.2 Arbitrage
8.3 The term structure of interest rates
8.4 Forward contracts
8.5 Commodity futures held until delivery
8.6 Offsetting positions and liquidity of futures contracts
8.7 Price discovery and more kinds of futures
8.8 Options
8.9 Using replicating portfolios to price options
8.10 Using weighted averages to price options
8.11 Swaps
8.12 Problems, Chapter 8
9 Interest rate sensitivity
9.1 Overview
9.2 Duration
9.3 Convexity
9.4 Immunization
9.5 Other types of duration
9.6 Problems, Chapter 9
A Some useful formulas
B Answers to end of chapter problems
About the Authors