作者: 孙易、孙雪
- 高等教育出版社
- 9787040550627
- 1
- 336094
- 平装
- 16开
- 2020-10-19
- 117
- 84
- 文学
- 中国语言文学
Lesson 1 你姓林还是名字叫小林?Is Lin your surname or Xiaolin your first name?
Lesson 2 今天我请客。It’s my treat today
Lesson 3 给您拜年了!Wish you a happy New Year!
Lesson 4 你去过泰山吗?Have you been to the Mount Tai?
Lesson 5 我听说北京的四合院很有名。I heard that Siheyuan in Beijing is very famous
Lesson 6 你看这个礼物怎么样?What do you think about this gift?
Lesson 7 祝你们白头偕老!May you remain happily married to a ripe old age!
Lesson 8 我在练习书法呢!I am practicing calligraphy!
Lesson 9 低头思故乡。I bow my head and think of my hometown
Lesson 10 教师节快乐!Happy Teachers’ Day!
Lesson 11 走,看戏去!Let’s go to the theater!
Lesson 12 我在看《山海经》。I am reading The Classic of Mountains and Seas
参考答案 Answers