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  • 高等教育出版社
  • 9787040495256
  • 1
  • 253179
  • 平装
  • 特殊
  • 2019-04-15
  • 212
  • 196
  • 文学
  • 中国语言文学

 Lesson 1你好!Hello!
  1. Learn the most commonly used greetings
  2. Learn to introduce your name and nationality
  3. Learn the numbers 1 to 10
 Lesson 2你住哪个房间?Which room do you live in?
  1. Learn to introduce your friends to each other
  2. Learn to introduce your address
  3. Learn the numbers 11 to 20
 Lesson 3现在几点?What time is it now?
  1. Learn the basic way to tell the time
  2. Learn to say the days of the week
 自测练习 1Self-check Exercises 1
 Lesson 4这个多少钱?How much is this?
  1. Learn the expressions for money
  2. Learn to ask the price
  3. Learn to use the unit measurements of daily commodities
 Lesson 5三块行不行?How about three kuai?
  1. Learn to ask about the characteristics of commodities
  2. Learn to bargain
 Lesson 6我要一个炒鸡蛋。I’d like scrambled eggs.
  1. Learn to order food
  2. Learn to order drinks
  3. Learn to order staple foods
 自测练习 2Self-check Exercises 2
 Lesson 7密码是多少?What’s the password?
  1. Learn simple expressions of mobile phone
  2. Learn to use Internet language
 Lesson 8请问,去银行怎么走?Excuse me, how do I get to the bank?
  1. Learn simple words for locations
  2. Learn to ask for directions
  3. Learn to ask about and describe locations
 Lesson 9你去哪儿?Where are you going?
 自测练习 3Self-check Exercises 3
 Lesson 10我要换钱。I’d like to change money.
  1. Learn to change foreign currencies into Renminbi
  2. Learn to express the exchange rate
 Lesson 11我忘了带钥匙。I forgot to take my keys.
  1. Learn the common expressions related to accommodation service
  2. Learn to ask for help when there is a problem in the dormitory
 Lesson 12我感冒了。I have a cold.
  1. Learn to describe the symptoms of illnesses
  2. Learn to buy medicines in the pharmacy
 自测练习 4Self-check Exercises 4
 Lesson 13喂,请问林华在吗?Hello, may I speak to Lin Hua?
  1. Learn telephone etiquette
  2. Learn basic invitations
 Lesson 14我们互相帮助吧!Let’s help each other!
  1. Learn to introduce yourself
  2. Learn to get to know each other
  3. Learn to leave addresses
 Lesson 15我家有五口人。There are five people in my family.
  1. Learn to introduce family members
  2. Learn to talk about hobbies
 Lesson 16我们在这儿照相吧!Let’s take some pictures here!
  1. Learn to talk about the weather
  2. Learn the common expressions for taking pictures
 自测练习 5Self-check Exercises 5
 中国歌曲 Chinese Songs
  茉莉花 Jasmine Flower
  康定情歌 Love Song of Kangding
 自测练习参考答案 Self-check Exercises Answers
 语言注释 Index of Language Tips
 词类简称表 Abbreviations of Word Classes
 词汇表 Vocabulary Index