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  • 高等教育出版社
  • 9787040445909
  • 1
  • 296781
  • 平装
  • 16开
  • 2016-03-14
  • 70
  • 70
  • 教育学
  • 教育学

 热身 Warm-up
 Lesson 1 我三年级。I’m in the third grade.
 Lesson 2 你喜欢什么运动? What’s your favorite sport?
 Lesson 3 我在画画儿呢。I’m drawing a picture.
 Lesson 4 喂,您好! Hello!
 Lesson 5 再吃几个。Have some more.
 Lesson 6 我能自己穿。I can put it on by myself.
 Lesson 7 生日快乐! Happy birthday!
 Lesson 8 下雪了。It’s snowing.
 Lesson 9 笑一笑! Smile!
 Lesson 10 谁跑得快? Who runs fast?
 Lesson 11 妈妈把糖给弟弟了。Mom has given the candy to your brother.
 Lesson 12 复习 Review
 词语表 Vocabulary
 课文和小故事翻译 Text and Mini Story Translation
 测试页听力文本 Test Listening Scripts
 测试页答案 Test Answers
 YCT 奖状 YCT Award