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以下为《实用综合英语( 法律方向)( 第二册)》的配套数字资源,这些资源在您购买图书后将免费附送给您:
  • 教育科学出版社
  • 9787504187598
  • 255219
  • 2016年8月


Unit 1  Making Invitations
 Part I   Listening and Speaking
 Part Ⅱ  Reading
  Passage 1  Are You Ready to Be Invited?
  Passage 2  Parents' Liability for Underage Drinking in the United States
Part Ⅲ  Grammar
 Part Ⅳ  Applied Writing
 Part Ⅴ Tips on Law--Constitution
Unit 2  Arranging Timetables
 Part Ⅰ   Listening and Speaking
 Part Ⅱ  Reading
  Passage 1  The Virtue of Punctuality
  Passage 2  The Typical Day of a Family Lawyer
 Part Ⅲ  Grammar
 Part Ⅳ  Applied Writing
 Part Ⅴ  Tips on Law--Administrative Law
Unit 3  Surfing on Internet
 Part Ⅰ   Listening and Speaking
 Part Ⅱ  Reading
  Passage 1  New Ways for Surfing on the Internet
  Passage 2  Protecting Internet Security
 Part Ⅲ   Grammar
 Part IV  Applied Writing
 Part V  Tips on Law--Civil Law
Unit 4  Hobbies and Interests
 Part Ⅰ   Listening and Speaking
 Part Ⅱ  Reading
  Passage 1  Make Your Hobby Work for You
  Passage 2  Drag Racing--A Dangerous Hobby
 Part Ⅲ  Grammar
 Part Ⅳ  Applied Writing
 Part VⅤ Tips on Law--Criminal Law
Unit 5  Diet and Health
 Part Ⅰ   Listening and Speaking
 Part Ⅱ  Reading
  Passage 1  Are Vitamin Supplements Necessary?
  Passage 2  How to File a Food Poisoning Lawsuit
 Part Ⅲ  Grammar
 Part Ⅳ  Applied Writing
 Part Ⅴ  Tips on Law--Procedural Law
Unit 6  Celebration of Festivals
 Part Ⅰ   Listening and Speaking
 Part Ⅱ  Reading
  Passage 1  April Fools' Day
  Passage 2  Firecrackers, Bang or Ban?
 Part Ⅲ Grammar
 Part Ⅳ Applied Writing
 Part Ⅴ  Tips on Law--Alternative Dispute Resolution