体验汉语(生活篇)60~80课时 进阶(英语版)
作者: 朱晓星 褚佩如
- 高等教育出版社
- 9787040331295
- 1
- 254262
- 平装
- 16开
- 2011-07-29
- 586
- 300
- 文学
- 中国语言文学
Lesson1 你是在哪儿长大的?Where did you grow up?
Lesson2 你比以前更漂亮了You are prettier than ever
Lesson3 你是新搬来的吧? Have you just moved here?
Lesson4 我想换一件I want to change it
Lesson5 你对什么运动感兴趣? Which sport do you like?
Lesson6 周末过得怎么样? How was your weekend?
Lesson7 假期你打算去什么地方旅游? Where are you going for your holidays?
Lesson8 你对丽江的印象怎么样? What’s your impression of Lijiang?
Lesson9 真不巧 Bad luck
Lesson10 最近你工作很忙吧? Have you been busy recently?
Lesson11 电脑什么时候能修好? When can the computer be fixed?
Lesson12 没想到这么快就要分别了 I never expected to be parted from you so soon
语法与注释 Grammar and notes
课文译文 Translation for texts
录音文本 Scripts
词语表 Vocabulary