作者: <大学体验英语>项目组
- 高等教育出版社
- 9787040312379
- 1
- 250801
- 平装
- 16开
- 2010-12-21
- 190
- 98
- 文学
- 外国语言文学
1. First Impressions
2. Traffic Jam
3. Who Needs the Local Language?
4. Getting Ahead
5. Forever Single
6. What Are Friends For?
7. What’s for Dinner?
8. Cyber Bullying
9. Taking Care of Father
10. Why Go to School?
11. An International Relationship
12. Too Little, Too Late
13. Ben and Mike
14. Government Control
15. Living Together
16. Size Discrimination
17. Who Will Help Them?
18. Finding the Right One
19. Dress for Success
20. A Mother’s Story
1. Personal Opinions—extra opinions about the topic of each unit. Corresponds to video clips available on the course website.
2. Vocabulary—expanded vocabulary items and definitions for each unit.