作者: <大学体验英语>项目组
- 高等教育出版社
- 9787040312386
- 1
- 250798
- 平装
- 16开
- 2010-11-26
- 190
- 86
- 文学
- 外国语言文学
1. The Guy with Green Hair
2. The Shoplifter
3. I’m Not Addicted
4. Beauty Contest
5. Who Pays?
6. Saying “I Love You”
7. Family Values
8. Cyber Love
9. A Letter from Grandma
10. Fan Worship
11. Pet Peeve
12. Close Your Eyes and See
13. Will Children Save the Earth?
14. Get a Job!
15. To Tell or Not To Tell
16. The Dream
17. To Have or Have Not
18. Are Humans Smart?
19. Cloning Cyndi
20. Why Learn English?
1. Personal Opinions—extra opinions about the topic of each unit. Corresponds to video clips available on the course website.
2. Vocabulary—expanded vocabulary items and definitions for each unit.