作者: 尹世寅
- 高等教育出版社
- 9787040391282
- 1
- 241579
- 平装
- 16开
- 2014-02-27
- 424
- 384
- 教育学
- 教育学
Preface: A letter from the author to the readers
Part 1 Significance
Unit One Why do we adopt stick figures and cartoons in ELT?
1.1 What are stick figures and cartoons?
1.2 Significance of the adoption of stick figures and cartoons in ELT
1.3 Principles and criteria of designing language teaching with pictures
1.4 Various sources and uses of stick figures and cartoons
Unit Two Characteristics of stick figures and cartoons
2.1 Simple
2.2 Clear-cut
2.3 Accurate
2.4 Flexible
2.5 Direct
2.6 Pictographic
2.7 Descriptive and representative
2.8 Meaningful
2.9 Functional
Part 2 Skills
Unit Three Basic skills of drawing stick figures and cartoons
3.1 Preparations for your drawing
3.2 Basic lines and figures
3.3 Choosing proper lines and figures to draw stick pictures
3.4 Detailed descriptions in drawing cartoon pictures
Unit Four Diversity of drawing stick figures and cartoons
4.1 Humans
4.2 Careers
4.3 Activities
4.4 Animals
4.5 Objects
4.6 Plants
4.7 Vegetables and fruit
4.8 Food and drink
4.9 Clothing
4.10 Vehicles and transportation tools
4.11 Buildings and architectures
4.12 Locations and places
4.13 Countries, cities and places of historical interest
4.14 Natural sceneries
4.15 Disasters and accidents
4.16 Customs
4.17 Religions
4.18 Festivals
Part 3 Application
Unit Five Stick figures and cartoons adopted in teaching language knowledge
5.1 Phonetics
5.2 Letters
5.3 Vocabulary
5.4 Sentence patterns
5.5 Grammar
Unit Six Stick figures and cartoons adopted in teaching language skills
6.1 Listening with pictures
6.2 Speaking with pictures
6.3 Reading with pictures
6.4 Writing with pictures
Unit Seven Samples of designing classroom teaching with stick figures and cartoons
7.1 Word learning
7.2 Small book making
7.3 Introduction activities
7.4 Looking for the differences
7.5 Spinners
7.6 Board games
7.7 Pair dictation and drawing/writing
Unit Eight Evaluation with pictures
Helpful web resources