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  • 高等教育出版社
  • 9787040444650
  • 3
  • 240545
  • 平装
  • 16开
  • 2016-03-30
  • 330
  • 193
  • 文学
  • 外国语言文学

《英语听力教程》(第3版)在第2版的基础上,选择了更新的语料;调整练习难度,使听力学习更加循序渐进;提高录音效果。《英语听力教程》(第3版)共分 6册,每册有学生用书、教师用书。该书是第5册教师用书,内容主要反映当今时代人们紧张、丰富的工作生活方式以及他们对待某些社会现象的观点和态度。以综 合技能训练为主,同时针对中国学生在英语听力学习中的难点、重点进行反复训练,题材以反映社会、科技领域的新发展为主。


 Unit 1 Treasure Pleasure
  Part I Getting ready
  Part II Fast track
  Part III Independent listening
  Part IV Reminder of key points in this unit
  Part V Watch and enjoy
 Unit 2 What’s On?
  Part I Getting ready
  Part II Fast track
  Part III Independent listening
  Part IV Reminder of key points in this unit
  Part V Watch and enjoy
 Unit 3 Why the Sport?
  Part I Getting ready
  Part II Fast track
  Part III Independent listening
  Part IV Reminder of key points in this unit
  Part V Watch and enjoy
 Unit 4 Buckle Up for Safety
  Part I Getting ready
  Part II Fast track
  Part III Independent listening
  Part IV Reminder of key points in this unit
  Part V Watch and enjoy
 Unit 5 Advice on Survival
  Part I Getting ready
  Part II Fast track
  Part III Independent listening
  Part IV Reminder of key points in this unit
  Part V Watch and enjoy
 Unit 6 What Do You Gain from Slowing Down?
  Part I Getting ready
  Part II Fast track
  Part III Independent listening
  Part IV Reminder of key points in this unit
  Part V Watch and enjoy
 Unit 7 Changing Lifestyle
  Part I Getting ready
  Part II Fast track
  Part III Independent listening
  Part IV Reminder of key points in this unit
  Part V Watch and enjoy
 Unit 8 The Green Image
  Part I Getting ready
  Part II Fast track
  Part III Independent listening
  Part IV Reminder of key points in this unit
  Part V Watch and enjoy
 Unit 9 Saving Energy
  Part I Getting ready
  Part II Fast track
  Part III Independent listening
  Part IV Reminder of key points in this unit
  Part V Watch and enjoy
 Unit 10 Fighting Against Drugs
  Part I Getting ready
  Part II Fast track
  Part III Independent listening
  Part IV Reminder of key points in this unit
  Part V Watch and enjoy
 Unit 11 Review
  Activity 1 News items
  Activity 2 The rise of the Greens
  Activity 3 The misfortune of the wildlife
  Activity 4 Sports psychology
  Activity 5 Climbing the walls to have a good time
  Activity 6 A boat race
  Activity 7 Greenhouse movement
  Activity 8 Watch and enjoy