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  • 高等教育出版社
  • 9787040150544
  • 1版
  • 93597
  • 41244467-1
  • 平装
  • 异16开
  • 2004-09
  • 450
  • 246
  • 文学
  • 外国语言文学
  • TS941
  • 轻工纺织
  • 本科 高职


本书是该系列教材之一。从事服装设计、服装工程人员实际工作的需要出发进行设计和编写。选材新颖、点面结合、内容丰富、语言规范;练习兼具实用性和针对性,易于操作。 全书由10个单元组成,每单元包括“阅读与翻译”、“模拟套写”和“听力与会话”三部分。书后附有练习参考答案和课文参考译文。



 Unit 1 The Apparel Industry
  Reading and Translating
   Reading A History of the Apparel Industry
   Reading B Body Types and Size Charts
  Simulated Writing Business Letters
  Listening and Speaking Retailing&Shopping
 Unit 2 Fashion Design
  Reading and Translating
   Reading A The Basic Principles of Design
   Reading B The Designer Work Sheet
  Simulated Writing Offer and Counter-Offer
  Listening and Speaking Products Presentation
 Unit 3 Fabric
 Reading and Translating
  Reading A Fabric
  Reading B Costing Sheet
 Simulated Writing Sales Contract
 Listening and Speaking Inquiry and Offer
 Unit 4 Color
  Reading and Translating
   Reading A Color
   Reading B Collar Styles
  Simulated Writng Letter of Credit
  Listening and Speaking Negotiation&Contract
 unit 5 Famous Designer
  Reading and Translating
   Reading A Chanel, Gabrielle“Coco"
   Reading B Cloth Delivery Control Sheet
  Simulated Writing Shipment Advice
  Listening and Speaking Exhibition
 Unit 6 Sales Promotion
  Reading and Translating
   Reading A Sales Promotion
   Reading B Sales Confirmation
  Simulated Writing Advertisement
  Listening and Speaking Advertising
 Unit 7 Quality Control
  Reading and Translating
   Reading A Quality Control Related with Designers
   Reading B Quality Control and Inspection Report
  Simulated Writing Notice
  Listening and Speaking Agency
 Unit 8 patterning and Cutting
  Reading and Translating
   Reading A Patterning and Cutting Procedures
   Reading B The Basic Trouser Block
  Simulated Writing Resume
  Listening and Speaking Insurance and Claim
 Unit 9 pressing
  Reading and Translating
   Reading A Pressing
   Reading B Packing list
  Simulated Writing Documents in Foreign Trade
  Listening and Speaking Packaging
 Unit 10 Fashion and Fashion Movement
  Reading and Translating
   Reading A Principles of Fashion Movement
   Reading B Manufacturing Contract
  Simulated Writing Letters of Invitation
  Listening and Speaking Joint Venture