作者: 何其莘,杨孝明
- 外语教学与研究出版社
- 9787513577007
- 238420
- 2016-06
- 280
- 文学
- 外国语言文学
目 录
01. 网上填写非移民签证申请表DS-160(Online application for a Nonimmigrant Visa DS-160
02. 使馆面签(Interview at the U.S. Embassy in Beijing)
03. 移民局手续(Going through the U.S. Immigration)
04. 海关手续(Going through the U.S. Customs)
05. 咨询航班转机信息(Asking about a flight transfer)
06. 办理登机(Checking in at the airport)
07. 顺序登机(Boarding the plane)
08. 行李问询(Checking the baggage)
09. 机场问询处(Airport information desk)
10. 租车自驾(Renting a car)
11. 酒店入住(Checking in at the hotel)
12. 前台求助(Asking for help at the front desk)
13. 自助早餐(Breakfast buffet)
14. 入学报到(Registration)
15. 办理学生卡(Getting the Student ID)
16. 银行开户(Opening an account at the bank)
17. 国际学生入学教育(Orientation for international freshmen)
18. 校园住宿(On-campus housing)
19. 快餐店点餐(Ordering at the fast food restaurant)
20. 入学考试(Taking placement tests)
21. 搬入宿舍(Move-in day)
22. 室友相遇(Meeting the roommate)
23. 参观校园(Touring the university campus)
24. 超市购物(Grocery shopping)
25. 参观大学图书馆(Touring the university library)
26. 买医疗保险(Purchasing medical insurance)
27. 校园安全(Campus security)
28. 见导师(Meeting the academic adviser)
29. 参观体育中心(Visiting the sports center)
30. 大学餐厅就餐(Dining at the university cafeteria)
31. 课程注册与交费(Course registration and payment)
32. 学校书店(At the university bookstore)
33. 申请校园工作和社会安全号(Applying for jobs and social security number)
34. 学校医院就医(Visiting the health center)/ 214
35. 药店买药(At the pharmacy)
36. 正式晚餐(Formal dinner)
37. 汽车加油(Filling the tank at the gas station)
38. 机场还车(Returning the car)
39. 机场安检(Airport security check)
40. 机场免税店(At the airport duty-free store)