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  • 人民邮电出版社
  • 9787115227881
  • 232494
  • 69195861-5
  • 16开
  • 2010年10月
  • 431
  • 电子商务
  • 高职
Unit One Electronic Commerce Summary  Text A Electronic Commerce(EC) Theory  Text B Technological Platform of E-commerce   Skills of Understanding找出主题句,确定中心思想   Skills of Translation根据上下文/逻辑关系确定词义   Skills of Business E-mail Writing回复工作邀请信   Skills of Oral Language in Working Condition第一天上班报到  Self-study Projecting the Economic Impact of the Internet Unit Two Trading Modes of E-commerce  Text A Understanding B2C E-commerce  Text B What is B2B?   Skills of Understanding寻找重要事实和论据   Skills of Translation词类转换译法   Skills of Business E-mail Writing求助信   Skills of Oral Language in Working Condition同事之间  Self-study Know Something About B2C E-commerce Unit Three Security Technologies of E-commerce(Part One)  Text A Secure Electronic Transaction  Text B Security Techniques   Skills of Understanding猜测词义   Skills of Translation词的增减   Skills of Business E-mail Writing邀请信   Skills of Oral Language in Working Condition愉快地工作  Self-study Internet and EB Security Unit Four Security Technologies of E-commerce(Part Two)  Text A Firewall  Text B Computing System Security Measures   Skills of Understanding推理和判断   Skills of Translation正反译与反正译   Skills of Business E-mail Writing电话记录   Skills of Oral Language in Working Condition工作中的解决之道   Self-study Achieving Electronic Privacy Unit Five Payment of E-commerce on Net(Part One)  Text A Electronic Systems of Payments  Text B Electronic Payment & Taxation   Skills of Understanding确定作者的观点和态度   Skills of Translation分译与合译   Skills of Business E-mail Writing给顾客写邮件   Skills of Oral Language in Working Condition顾客就是上帝  Self-study Why isn't E-cash a common currency? Unit Six Payment of E-commerce on Net(Part Two)  Text A The SET Protocol  Text B E-money   Skills of Understanding阅读理解考查的重点   Skills of Translation被动句型的翻译   Skills of Business E-mail Writing用邮件进行预订   Skills of Oral Language in Working Condition预订  Self-study Some Issues About E-commerce Payments Unit Seven Logistics Management of E-commerce  Text A Logistics in Electronic Commerce  Text B Green Logistics   Skills of Understanding提高阅读理解的几个注意点   Skills of Translation定语从句的翻译   Skills of Business E-mail Writing用邮件发起邀约   Skills of Oral Language in Working Condition Get It Running顺利运行  Self-study Logistics automation Unit Eight Implementation of the E-commerce System  Text A The ABCs of ERP  Text B What is CRM?   Skills of Understanding英语阅读技巧(著名新东方英语培训中心)   Skills of Translation倍数的译法   Skills of Business E-mail Writing用邮件邀约共进晚餐   Skills of Oral Language in Working Condition At A Restaurant餐宴用语  Self-study Evaluating the Performances of E-commerce Systems Unit Nine Network Marketing  Text A Web Marketing Strategies  Text B Overview of Electronic Marketing Structure   Skills of Understanding阅读理解题型介绍   Skills of Translation长句的翻译   Skills of Business E-mail Writing顾客意见反馈信   Skills of Oral Language in Working Condition下班之后   Self-study The Real Problem with Network Marketing and Multi-level Marketing(MLM) Unit Ten Industry Applications of E-commerce  Text A The Impact of EC on the Travel Industry  Text B Advertising of E-commerce   Skills of Understanding影响阅读速度的几个障碍点   Skills of Translation常见的计算机英语及缩写   Skills of Business E-mail Writing书写简单的通知   Skills of Oral Language in Working Condition技术会议  Self-study Electronic Publishing: Assessing Opportunities and Risks 附录1 译文 附录2 总词汇表 附录3 常用电子商务词汇表 附录4 屏幕英语 附录5 考试样卷 附录6 电子商务网站集锦 Bibliography