- 测绘出版社
- 9787503037320
- 1-1
- 21156
- 66214026-8
- 16开
- 2015-09
- 工学
- 测绘科学与技术
- P2
- 测绘工程技术、摄影测量与遥感技术、测绘地理信息技术、地图制图与数字传播技术
- 高职
Chapter 1 Overviews
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Branches of surveying
1.2.1 Geodetic surveying
1.2.2 Plane surveying
1.2.3 Topographic surveying
1.2.4 Engineering surveying
1.2.5 Cadastral surveying
1.2.6 Hydrographic surveying
1.2.7 Mine surveying
1.3 Developments of surveying
1.3.1 Surveying techniques
1.3.2 Surveying equipments
1.3.3 Origiof Geomatics
1.4 Achievements of China's surveying
Chapter 2 Datums of Surveying
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Geoid and reference ellipsoid
2.2.1 MeaSea Level and Geoid
2.2.2 Reference ellipsoid
2.3 Map projections
2.3.1 Three kinds of projections
2.3.2 Typical map projections
2.4 Datums and coordinate system
2.4.1 Horizontal and vertical datums
2.4.2 Coordinate systems
2.4.3 Coordinate conversions
Chapter 3 Distance Measurement
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Taping
3.3 Tacheometry
3.4 EDM measurement
Chapter 4 ElevatioMeasurement
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Leveling instruments
4.2.1 Ordinary level
4.2.2 Automatic level
4.2.3 Digital level
4.2.4 Laser level
4.3 Spirit leveling work
4.3.1 Principle of spirit leveling
4.3.2 Methods of spirit leveling
4.3.3 Refractioand curvature
4.4 Trigonometrie leveling
4.4.1 Instruments of trigonometric leveling
4.4.2 Principle of trigonometric leveling
4.4.3 Methods of trigonometric leveling
Chapter 5 Angle Measurement
5.1 Introduction
5.1.1 Horizontal angle
5.1.2 Vertical angle
5.2 Direetioand azimuth
5.2.1 Directioof line
5.2.2 Azimuth and bearing
5.3 Theodolite
5.3.1 Optical theodolite
5.3.2 Electronic theodolite
5.4 Angle measurement
5.4.1 Horizontal angle measurement
5.4.2 Vertical angle measurement
Chapter 6 Measurement Errors
6.1 Introduction
6.1.1 Sources of errors
6.1.2 Mistakes imeasurements
6.2 Classifieations of errors
6.2.1 Systematic errors
6.2.2 Random errors
6.3 Analysis of random errors
6.3.1 Properties of random errors
6.3.2 Meaand standard deviation
6.3.3 Propagatioof errors
6.4 Least-squares adjustment
6.4.1 Principles of adjustment
6.4.2 Models of adjustment
6.4.3 Adjustment methods
Chapter 7 Control Surveying
7.1 Control works
7.1.1 Types of control works
7.1.2 GPS control works
7.1.3 Accuracy of control surveying
7.2 Triangulations and intersections
7.2.1 Triangulatiomethods
7.2.2 Intersectiomethods
7.3 Traversing
7.3.1 Classifications of traversing
7.3.2 Closures of traversing
7.3.3 Calculations of traversing
7.3.4 Traverse works
7.4 Vertical control surveying
7.4.1 Differential leveling
7.4.2 Reciprocal leveling
7.4.3 Trigonometric leveling
Chapter 8 Engineering Surveying
8.1 New survey equipments
8.1.1 Total station
8.1.2 Laser rangefinder
8.1.3 3D laser scanner
8.1.4 Gyro-theodolite
8.2 Constructiolayout
8.2.1 Establishing control points
8.2.2 Constructiolayout
8.2.3 Techniques of layout
8.2.4 As-built surveys
8.3 Deformatiomonitoring
8.3.1 Deformatioparameters
8.3.2 Monitoring schemes
8.3.3 Monitoring techniques
8.3.4 Reference work design
8.3.5 Monitoring data processing
8.4 Surface subsidence observation
8.4.1 Factors affecting surface subsidence
8.4.2 Subsidence observatiolines
8.4.3 Frequency of subsidence surveys
8.4.4 Survey instruments and techniques
Chapter 9 Map and Cartography
9.1 Introduction
9.1.1 Map scale
9.1.2 Map elements
9.1.3 Map Types
9.2 Cartographic technology
9.2.1 Cartographic process
9.2.2 Map design
9.2.3 Computer-aided design
9.3 Developments of cartography
9.3.1 Technological advances
9.3.2 Car
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Branches of surveying
1.2.1 Geodetic surveying
1.2.2 Plane surveying
1.2.3 Topographic surveying
1.2.4 Engineering surveying
1.2.5 Cadastral surveying
1.2.6 Hydrographic surveying
1.2.7 Mine surveying
1.3 Developments of surveying
1.3.1 Surveying techniques
1.3.2 Surveying equipments
1.3.3 Origiof Geomatics
1.4 Achievements of China's surveying
Chapter 2 Datums of Surveying
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Geoid and reference ellipsoid
2.2.1 MeaSea Level and Geoid
2.2.2 Reference ellipsoid
2.3 Map projections
2.3.1 Three kinds of projections
2.3.2 Typical map projections
2.4 Datums and coordinate system
2.4.1 Horizontal and vertical datums
2.4.2 Coordinate systems
2.4.3 Coordinate conversions
Chapter 3 Distance Measurement
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Taping
3.3 Tacheometry
3.4 EDM measurement
Chapter 4 ElevatioMeasurement
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Leveling instruments
4.2.1 Ordinary level
4.2.2 Automatic level
4.2.3 Digital level
4.2.4 Laser level
4.3 Spirit leveling work
4.3.1 Principle of spirit leveling
4.3.2 Methods of spirit leveling
4.3.3 Refractioand curvature
4.4 Trigonometrie leveling
4.4.1 Instruments of trigonometric leveling
4.4.2 Principle of trigonometric leveling
4.4.3 Methods of trigonometric leveling
Chapter 5 Angle Measurement
5.1 Introduction
5.1.1 Horizontal angle
5.1.2 Vertical angle
5.2 Direetioand azimuth
5.2.1 Directioof line
5.2.2 Azimuth and bearing
5.3 Theodolite
5.3.1 Optical theodolite
5.3.2 Electronic theodolite
5.4 Angle measurement
5.4.1 Horizontal angle measurement
5.4.2 Vertical angle measurement
Chapter 6 Measurement Errors
6.1 Introduction
6.1.1 Sources of errors
6.1.2 Mistakes imeasurements
6.2 Classifieations of errors
6.2.1 Systematic errors
6.2.2 Random errors
6.3 Analysis of random errors
6.3.1 Properties of random errors
6.3.2 Meaand standard deviation
6.3.3 Propagatioof errors
6.4 Least-squares adjustment
6.4.1 Principles of adjustment
6.4.2 Models of adjustment
6.4.3 Adjustment methods
Chapter 7 Control Surveying
7.1 Control works
7.1.1 Types of control works
7.1.2 GPS control works
7.1.3 Accuracy of control surveying
7.2 Triangulations and intersections
7.2.1 Triangulatiomethods
7.2.2 Intersectiomethods
7.3 Traversing
7.3.1 Classifications of traversing
7.3.2 Closures of traversing
7.3.3 Calculations of traversing
7.3.4 Traverse works
7.4 Vertical control surveying
7.4.1 Differential leveling
7.4.2 Reciprocal leveling
7.4.3 Trigonometric leveling
Chapter 8 Engineering Surveying
8.1 New survey equipments
8.1.1 Total station
8.1.2 Laser rangefinder
8.1.3 3D laser scanner
8.1.4 Gyro-theodolite
8.2 Constructiolayout
8.2.1 Establishing control points
8.2.2 Constructiolayout
8.2.3 Techniques of layout
8.2.4 As-built surveys
8.3 Deformatiomonitoring
8.3.1 Deformatioparameters
8.3.2 Monitoring schemes
8.3.3 Monitoring techniques
8.3.4 Reference work design
8.3.5 Monitoring data processing
8.4 Surface subsidence observation
8.4.1 Factors affecting surface subsidence
8.4.2 Subsidence observatiolines
8.4.3 Frequency of subsidence surveys
8.4.4 Survey instruments and techniques
Chapter 9 Map and Cartography
9.1 Introduction
9.1.1 Map scale
9.1.2 Map elements
9.1.3 Map Types
9.2 Cartographic technology
9.2.1 Cartographic process
9.2.2 Map design
9.2.3 Computer-aided design
9.3 Developments of cartography
9.3.1 Technological advances
9.3.2 Car