- 科学出版社
- 9787030566096
- 1版
- 225019
- 42251483-6
- 平装
- 16开
- 2018-04
- 160
- 296
- 医学
- 基础医学
- R361-64
- 医学
- 本科
第一章 细胞、组织的适应和损伤 1
Chapter 1 Cell and Tissue Adaptation and Inj ury 1
1-1 心肌萎缩Atrophy of myocardium 1
1-2 心肌肥大Hypertrophy of myocardium 1
1-3 鳞状上皮疣状增生Verrucous hyperplasia of squamous epithelium 1
1-4子宫内膜增生症Endometriosis 2
1-5 支气管鳞状上皮化生Bronchial epithelium squamous metaplasia 2
1-6 胃炎肠上皮化生Gastritis with intestinal metaplasia 2
1-7 混合瘤中软骨化生Cartilaginous metaplasia, mixed tumor 3
1-8 骨化性肌炎中的骨化生Bone metaplasia, myositis ossificans 3
1-9 肾近曲小管上皮细胞水变性(颗粒变性)Hydropic degeneration of proximal convoluted tubule of kidney( granular degeneration) 3
1-10 肝细胞水变性Cell swelling, liver 4
1-11 肝细胞脂肪变性Fatty degeneration, liver cells 4
1-12脂肪浸润,心脏Fatty art 4
1-13 脾包膜玻璃样变性Hyaline degeneration of spleen capsule 5
1-14 脾细动脉玻璃样变性Splenic arteriole hyaline degeneration 5
1-15 淀粉样变性Amyloid degeneration 5
1-16 碳末沉着症Anthracosis( Carbon) 6
1-17 心肌细胞中脂褐素Lipofuscin, myocardial cells 6
1-18 肺中含铁血黄素Hemosiderin, lung 6
1-19 肝脏胆色素Bilirubin,liver 7
1-20 皮肤黑色素Melanin,skin 7
1-21 腹主动脉营养不良性钙化Dystrophic calcification,abdominal aorta 7
1-22 肾凝固性坏死Coagulative necrosis,kidney 8
1-23 淋巴结干酪样坏死Caseous necrosis, lymph node 8
1-24 脂肪坏死Fat necrosis 9
1-25 结缔组织纤维素样坏死Fibrinoid necrosis, connective tissue 9
1-26 凋亡Apoptosis 10
1-27 白噬Autophagy 10
第二章 损伤的修复 11
Chapter 2 Repair for Injury 11
2-1 肉芽组织Granulation tissue 11
2-2 创口愈合Wound healing 11
2-3 瘢痕组织Scar tissue 11
第三章 局部血液循环障碍 12
Chapter 3 Local Fluid and Hemodynamic Disorders 12
3-1 肺慢性淤血Chronic lung congestion 12
3-2 肝慢性淤血Chronic liver congestion 12
3-3 脑出血Cerebral hemorrhage 13
3-4 肺水肿Pulmonary edema 14
3-5 血栓Thrombus 14
3-6 透明血栓Hyaline thrombi 16
3-7 肺血栓栓塞Thrombus embolism, lung 16
3-8 肺脂肪栓塞Fat embolism, lung 17
3-9 肺瘤细胞性栓塞Tumor cellular embolism, lung 17
3-10 肠黏膜下静脉液体性栓塞Fluid embolism in venous,intestial submucosa 17
3-11 肾贫血性梗死Anemic infarction, kidney 18
3-12 脾贫血性梗死Anemic infarction,spleen 18
3-13 肺出血性梗死Hemorrhagic infarction,lung 18
第四章 炎症 19
Chapter 4 Inflammation 19
4-1 炎症细胞Inflammatory cells 19
4-2 液体渗出Fluid exudation 20
4-3 炎细胞渗出Inflammatory cells exudation 21
4-4 浆液性炎Serous inflammation 21
4-5 纤维素性炎Fibrinous inflammation 22
4-6 化脓性炎Purulent inflammation 22
4-7 增生性炎Proliferative inflammation 23
4-8 肉芽肿Granuloma 24
4-9 肺炎性假瘤Inflammatory pseudotumor, lung 25
第五章 肿瘤 26
Chapter 5 Tumor 26
5-1 肿瘤细胞多型性Pleomorphism of tumor cells 26
5-2 子宫颈上皮内瘤变Cervical intraepithelia neoplasia(CIN) 26
5-3 皮肤鳞状上皮乳头状瘤Papilloma of squamous cell,skin 27
5-4 皮肤鳞状细胞癌Squamous cell carcinoma,skin 27
5-5 基底细胞癌Basal cell carcinoma 27
5-6 膀胱尿路上皮(移行细胞)癌Urothelium( transitional cell) carcinoma,bladder 28
5-7 腺瘤Adenoma 28
5-8 腺癌Adenocarcinoma 28
5-9 肉瘤样癌Sarcomatoid carcinoma 29
5-10 癌肉瘤Carcinosarcoma 29
5-11 混合痣Mixed nevus 29
5-12 黑色素瘤Melanoma 30
5-13 肺软骨性错构瘤Cartilaginous hamartoma, lung 30
5-14 畸胎瘤Teratoma 30
5-15 肿瘤转移Tumor metastasis 31
5-16 纤维瘤Fibroma 32
5-17 纤维肉瘤Fibrosarcoma 32
5-18 脂肪瘤Lipoma 33
5-19 月旨肪肉瘤Liposarcoma 33
5-20 平滑肌瘤Leiomyoma 35
5-21 平滑肌肉瘤Leiomyosarcoma 36
5-22 横纹肌肉瘤Rhabdomyosarcoma 36
5-23 滑膜肉瘤Synovial sarcoma 38
5-24 血管瘤Hemangioma 39
5-25 血管肉瘤Angiosarcoma 40
5-26 恶性纤维组织细胞瘤Malignant fibrous histiocytoma 41
5-27 腺泡状软组织肉瘤Alveolar soft part sarcoma 42
5-28 上皮样肉瘤Epithelioid sarcoma 42
5-29 透明细胞肉瘤Clear cell sarcoma 43
5-30黏液痦Myxoma 44
第六章 心血管系统疾病 45
Chapter 6 Diseases of the Heart and Blood Vessels 45
6-1 冠状动脉粥样硬化Coronary atherosclerosis 45
6-2 心肌梗死Myocardial infarction 46
6-3 高血压病Hypertension 47
6-4 风湿性心脏病Rheumatic heart disease 48
6-5 感染性心内膜炎Infective endocarditis 49
6-6 病毒性心肌炎Viral myocarditis 50
6-7 心脏黏液瘤Cardiac myxoma 50
第七章 口腔及头面部疾病 51
Chapter 7 The Oral Cavity and Head Facial Diseases 51
7-1 口腔黏膜白斑Leukoplakia,oral cavity 51
7-2 口腔扁平苔藓Lichen planus,oral cavity 51
7-3 慢性盘状红斑狼疮Chronic discoid lupus erythematosus 52
7-4 牙源性上皮囊肿Odontogenic epithelial cyst 52
7-5 根尖周囊肿Radicular cyst 53
7-6 血管性龈瘤Vascular epulis 53
7-7 颗粒细胞瘤Granular cell tumor 54
7-8 成釉细胞瘤Ameloblastoma 54
7-9 成釉细胞癌Amelocarcinoma 55
7-10 牙源性钙化上皮瘤Calcifying epithelial odontogemc tumor 55
7-11 牙骨质纤维瘤Cementifying fibroma 55
7-12多形性腺瘤Pleomorphic adenoma 56
7-13 腺淋巴瘤(Warthin瘤)Adenolymphoma( Warthin Tumour) 56
7-14 嗜酸性腺瘤Oxyphilic adenoma 57
7-15 黏液表皮样癌Mucoepidermoid carcinoma 57
7-16 腺样囊性癌Adenoid cystic carcmoma 58
7-17 基底细胞腺瘤Basal cell adenoma 58
7-18 肌上皮瘤Myoepithelioma 59
7-19 上皮肌上皮癌Epithelial-myoepithelial carcinoma 59
7-20 腺泡细胞癌Acinic cell carcinoma 59
7-21 鼻息肉Nasal polyp 60
7-22 鼻血管瘤Nasal hemangioma 60
7-23 鼻咽纤维瘤Nasopharyngeal fibroma 61
7-24 鼻咽癌Nasopharyngeal carcinoma 61
7-2 低分化鼻咽癌(淋巴上皮瘟)Lower differentiation nasopharyngeal carcinoma (Lymphoepithelioma) 62
7-26 颈部淋巴结鼻咽癌转移Nasopharyngeal carcmoma metastasis, neck lymph node 63
7-27 鼻嗅神经母细胞瘤Olfa
第一章 细胞、组织的适应和损伤 1
Chapter 1 Cell and Tissue Adaptation and Inj ury 1
1-1 心肌萎缩Atrophy of myocardium 1
1-2 心肌肥大Hypertrophy of myocardium 1
1-3 鳞状上皮疣状增生Verrucous hyperplasia of squamous epithelium 1
1-4子宫内膜增生症Endometriosis 2
1-5 支气管鳞状上皮化生Bronchial epithelium squamous metaplasia 2
1-6 胃炎肠上皮化生Gastritis with intestinal metaplasia 2
1-7 混合瘤中软骨化生Cartilaginous metaplasia, mixed tumor 3
1-8 骨化性肌炎中的骨化生Bone metaplasia, myositis ossificans 3
1-9 肾近曲小管上皮细胞水变性(颗粒变性)Hydropic degeneration of proximal convoluted tubule of kidney( granular degeneration) 3
1-10 肝细胞水变性Cell swelling, liver 4
1-11 肝细胞脂肪变性Fatty degeneration, liver cells 4
1-12脂肪浸润,心脏Fatty art 4
1-13 脾包膜玻璃样变性Hyaline degeneration of spleen capsule 5
1-14 脾细动脉玻璃样变性Splenic arteriole hyaline degeneration 5
1-15 淀粉样变性Amyloid degeneration 5
1-16 碳末沉着症Anthracosis( Carbon) 6
1-17 心肌细胞中脂褐素Lipofuscin, myocardial cells 6
1-18 肺中含铁血黄素Hemosiderin, lung 6
1-19 肝脏胆色素Bilirubin,liver 7
1-20 皮肤黑色素Melanin,skin 7
1-21 腹主动脉营养不良性钙化Dystrophic calcification,abdominal aorta 7
1-22 肾凝固性坏死Coagulative necrosis,kidney 8
1-23 淋巴结干酪样坏死Caseous necrosis, lymph node 8
1-24 脂肪坏死Fat necrosis 9
1-25 结缔组织纤维素样坏死Fibrinoid necrosis, connective tissue 9
1-26 凋亡Apoptosis 10
1-27 白噬Autophagy 10
第二章 损伤的修复 11
Chapter 2 Repair for Injury 11
2-1 肉芽组织Granulation tissue 11
2-2 创口愈合Wound healing 11
2-3 瘢痕组织Scar tissue 11
第三章 局部血液循环障碍 12
Chapter 3 Local Fluid and Hemodynamic Disorders 12
3-1 肺慢性淤血Chronic lung congestion 12
3-2 肝慢性淤血Chronic liver congestion 12
3-3 脑出血Cerebral hemorrhage 13
3-4 肺水肿Pulmonary edema 14
3-5 血栓Thrombus 14
3-6 透明血栓Hyaline thrombi 16
3-7 肺血栓栓塞Thrombus embolism, lung 16
3-8 肺脂肪栓塞Fat embolism, lung 17
3-9 肺瘤细胞性栓塞Tumor cellular embolism, lung 17
3-10 肠黏膜下静脉液体性栓塞Fluid embolism in venous,intestial submucosa 17
3-11 肾贫血性梗死Anemic infarction, kidney 18
3-12 脾贫血性梗死Anemic infarction,spleen 18
3-13 肺出血性梗死Hemorrhagic infarction,lung 18
第四章 炎症 19
Chapter 4 Inflammation 19
4-1 炎症细胞Inflammatory cells 19
4-2 液体渗出Fluid exudation 20
4-3 炎细胞渗出Inflammatory cells exudation 21
4-4 浆液性炎Serous inflammation 21
4-5 纤维素性炎Fibrinous inflammation 22
4-6 化脓性炎Purulent inflammation 22
4-7 增生性炎Proliferative inflammation 23
4-8 肉芽肿Granuloma 24
4-9 肺炎性假瘤Inflammatory pseudotumor, lung 25
第五章 肿瘤 26
Chapter 5 Tumor 26
5-1 肿瘤细胞多型性Pleomorphism of tumor cells 26
5-2 子宫颈上皮内瘤变Cervical intraepithelia neoplasia(CIN) 26
5-3 皮肤鳞状上皮乳头状瘤Papilloma of squamous cell,skin 27
5-4 皮肤鳞状细胞癌Squamous cell carcinoma,skin 27
5-5 基底细胞癌Basal cell carcinoma 27
5-6 膀胱尿路上皮(移行细胞)癌Urothelium( transitional cell) carcinoma,bladder 28
5-7 腺瘤Adenoma 28
5-8 腺癌Adenocarcinoma 28
5-9 肉瘤样癌Sarcomatoid carcinoma 29
5-10 癌肉瘤Carcinosarcoma 29
5-11 混合痣Mixed nevus 29
5-12 黑色素瘤Melanoma 30
5-13 肺软骨性错构瘤Cartilaginous hamartoma, lung 30
5-14 畸胎瘤Teratoma 30
5-15 肿瘤转移Tumor metastasis 31
5-16 纤维瘤Fibroma 32
5-17 纤维肉瘤Fibrosarcoma 32
5-18 脂肪瘤Lipoma 33
5-19 月旨肪肉瘤Liposarcoma 33
5-20 平滑肌瘤Leiomyoma 35
5-21 平滑肌肉瘤Leiomyosarcoma 36
5-22 横纹肌肉瘤Rhabdomyosarcoma 36
5-23 滑膜肉瘤Synovial sarcoma 38
5-24 血管瘤Hemangioma 39
5-25 血管肉瘤Angiosarcoma 40
5-26 恶性纤维组织细胞瘤Malignant fibrous histiocytoma 41
5-27 腺泡状软组织肉瘤Alveolar soft part sarcoma 42
5-28 上皮样肉瘤Epithelioid sarcoma 42
5-29 透明细胞肉瘤Clear cell sarcoma 43
5-30黏液痦Myxoma 44
第六章 心血管系统疾病 45
Chapter 6 Diseases of the Heart and Blood Vessels 45
6-1 冠状动脉粥样硬化Coronary atherosclerosis 45
6-2 心肌梗死Myocardial infarction 46
6-3 高血压病Hypertension 47
6-4 风湿性心脏病Rheumatic heart disease 48
6-5 感染性心内膜炎Infective endocarditis 49
6-6 病毒性心肌炎Viral myocarditis 50
6-7 心脏黏液瘤Cardiac myxoma 50
第七章 口腔及头面部疾病 51
Chapter 7 The Oral Cavity and Head Facial Diseases 51
7-1 口腔黏膜白斑Leukoplakia,oral cavity 51
7-2 口腔扁平苔藓Lichen planus,oral cavity 51
7-3 慢性盘状红斑狼疮Chronic discoid lupus erythematosus 52
7-4 牙源性上皮囊肿Odontogenic epithelial cyst 52
7-5 根尖周囊肿Radicular cyst 53
7-6 血管性龈瘤Vascular epulis 53
7-7 颗粒细胞瘤Granular cell tumor 54
7-8 成釉细胞瘤Ameloblastoma 54
7-9 成釉细胞癌Amelocarcinoma 55
7-10 牙源性钙化上皮瘤Calcifying epithelial odontogemc tumor 55
7-11 牙骨质纤维瘤Cementifying fibroma 55
7-12多形性腺瘤Pleomorphic adenoma 56
7-13 腺淋巴瘤(Warthin瘤)Adenolymphoma( Warthin Tumour) 56
7-14 嗜酸性腺瘤Oxyphilic adenoma 57
7-15 黏液表皮样癌Mucoepidermoid carcinoma 57
7-16 腺样囊性癌Adenoid cystic carcmoma 58
7-17 基底细胞腺瘤Basal cell adenoma 58
7-18 肌上皮瘤Myoepithelioma 59
7-19 上皮肌上皮癌Epithelial-myoepithelial carcinoma 59
7-20 腺泡细胞癌Acinic cell carcinoma 59
7-21 鼻息肉Nasal polyp 60
7-22 鼻血管瘤Nasal hemangioma 60
7-23 鼻咽纤维瘤Nasopharyngeal fibroma 61
7-24 鼻咽癌Nasopharyngeal carcinoma 61
7-2 低分化鼻咽癌(淋巴上皮瘟)Lower differentiation nasopharyngeal carcinoma (Lymphoepithelioma) 62
7-26 颈部淋巴结鼻咽癌转移Nasopharyngeal carcmoma metastasis, neck lymph node 63
7-27 鼻嗅神经母细胞瘤Olfa