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  • 高等教育出版社
  • 9787040279818
  • 1版
  • 194862
  • 42252346-4
  • 平装
  • 16开
  • 2010-01-06
  • 1130
  • 706
  • 医学
  • 药学
  • R914
  • 药学
  • 本科




 第一章 绪论
 第一部分 药物治疗领域一:感染性疾病和癌症
  第二章 抗肿瘤药
   第一节 导论
   第二节 直接作用于DNA的药物
   第三节 抗代谢抗肿瘤的药物
   第四节 抗有丝分裂的药物
   第五节 基于肿瘤信号转导机制的药物
  第三章 抗病毒药和抗艾滋病药
   第一节 抗病毒药
   第二节 抗艾滋病药
  第四章 抗菌药和抗真菌药
   第一节 喹诺酮类抗菌药
   第二节 磺胺类药物及抗菌增效剂
   第三节 其他类抗菌药
   第四节 抗结核药
   第五节 抗真菌药
  第五章 抗寄生虫药
   第一节 抗疟药
   第二节 驱肠虫药
   第三节 抗血吸虫药
  第六章 抗生素
   第一节 导论
   第二节 β内酰胺类抗生素
   第三节 氨基糖苷类抗生素
   第四节 大环内酯类抗生素
   第五节 四环素类抗生素
   第六节 其他抗生素
 第二部分 药物治疗领域二:中枢神经系统疾病和疼痛
  第七章 镇静催眠药和抗癫痫药
   第一节 镇静催眠药
   第二节 抗癫痫药
  第八章 抗精神失常药
   第一节 抗精神病药
   第二节 抗抑郁药
   第三节 抗焦虑药和抗躁狂药
  第九章 抗老年痴呆药
   第一节 乙酰胆碱酯酶抑制剂
   第二节 NMDA受体拮抗剂
   第三节 中枢兴奋剂类益智药
   第四节 目前研发领域及展望
  第十章 抗帕金森病药
   第一节 Dopamine受体激动剂
   第二节 Dopamine替代物
   第三节 Dopamine释放剂
   第四节 单胺氧化酶B抑制剂和儿茶酚O甲基转移酶抑制剂
   第五节 辅助治疗药
   第六节 其他抗帕金森病药
  第十一章 阿片样镇痛药
   第一节 吗啡及相关的阿片样激动剂
   第二节 合成镇痛药
   第三节 内源性阿片样肽类
   第四节 阿片受体模型及μ受体激动剂的构效关系
  第十二章 非甾体抗炎药
   第一节 非甾体抗炎药的作用机制
   第二节 解热镇痛药
   第三节 非甾体抗炎药
   第四节 改善病情的抗风湿药
   第五节 痛风治疗药物
 第三部分 药物治疗领域三:外周神经系统疾病和麻醉
  第十三章 影响胆碱能神经系统的药物
   第一节 M受体激动剂
   第二节 乙酰胆碱酯酶抑制剂
   第三节 M受体拮抗剂
   第四节 N受体拮抗剂
  第十四章 影响肾上腺素能神经系统的药物
   第一节 导论
   第二节 去甲肾上腺素的生物合成、代谢和作用机制
   第三节 α肾上腺素受体激动剂
   第四节 α肾上腺素受体拮抗剂
   第五节 β肾上腺素受体激动剂
   第六节 β肾上腺素受体拮抗剂
  第十五章 麻醉药
   第一节 全身麻醉药
   第二节 局部麻醉药
 第四部分 药物治疗领域四:心血管系统疾病
  第十六章 心血管系统药物
   第一节 抗心律失常药
   第二节 抗心绞痛药
   第三节 抗高血压药
   第四节 血脂调节药
   第五节 强心药
   第六节 抗血栓药
  第十七章 利尿药
   第一节 碳酸酐酶抑制剂
   第二节 渗透性利尿药
   第三节 Na+K+Cl-同向转运抑制剂
   第四节 Na+Cl-同向转运抑制剂
   第五节 肾小管上皮Na+通道抑制剂
   第六节 盐皮质激素受体拮抗剂
 第五部分 药物治疗领域五:胃肠道系统疾病
  第十八章 抗溃疡药
   第一节 H受体拮抗剂
   第二节 质子泵抑制剂
   第三节 其他抗溃疡药
  第十九章 胃动力药和止吐药
   第一节 胃动力药
   第二节 止吐药
 第六部分 药物治疗领域六:内分泌系统疾病
  第二十章 抗变态反应药
   第一节 组胺H受体拮抗剂
   第二节 抗白三烯药
   第三节 过敏介质释放抑制剂
  第二十一章 甾体激素及相关药物
   第一节 甾体结构和命名
   第二节 甾体激素生物合成
   第三节 甾体激素受体
   第四节 雌激素及相关药物
   第五节 雄激素及相关药物
   第六节 孕激素及相关药物
   第七节 肾上腺皮质激素及相关药物
   第八节 甾体的一般合成方法
  第二十二章 降血糖药
   第一节 胰岛素
   第二节 口服降血糖药
  第二十三章 维生素
   第一节 水溶性维生素
   第二节 脂溶性维生素
 第七部分 药物化学基本原理
  第二十四章 药物分子设计概论
   第一节 导论
   第二节 分子的多样性———先导化合物的发现
   第三节 分子的互补性———先导化合物的发现
   第四节 分子的相似性———先导化合物的发现和优化
   第五节 药物分子设计的策略
  第二十五章 药物代谢反应
   第一节 导论
   第二节 药物代谢的酶
   第三节 第Ⅰ相的生物转化
   第四节 第Ⅱ相的生物转化
   第五节 药物代谢在药物研究中的作用
  第二十六章 构效关系及计算机辅助药物设计
   第一节 药物的分类
   第二节 药物的理化性质与药效
   第三节 药物受体相互作用与药效
   第四节 二维定量构效关系
   第五节 三维定量构效关系及计算机辅助药物设计
 Chapter 1 Introduction
  1.1.1 The Discipline of Medicinal Chemistry
  1.1.2 History and Evolution of Medicinal Chemistry
  1.1.3 Recent Progress of Medicinal Chemistry
  1.1.4 Nomenclature of Drug Substances
 Part Ⅰ.Therapeutic Areas Ⅰ: Infectious Diseases and Cancer
  Chapter 2 Antineoplastic Agents
   2.1 Introduction
   2.2 Agents Directly Acting on DNA
    2.2.1 Alkylating Agents
    2.2.2 Platinum Complexes
    2.2.3 Natural Products Directly Acting on DNA
    2.2.4 DNA Topoisomerase Inhibitors
   2.3 Antimetabolite Antitumor Agents
    2.3.1 Pyrimidine Antagonists
    2.3.2 Purine Antagonists
    2.3.3 Antifolates
   2.4 Antimitotic Agents
    2.4.1 Inhibitors of Microtubule Assembly
    2.4.2 Microtubule Stabilizers and Promotors of Microtubule Assembly
   2.5 Tumor Signal Transduction Pathway Mechanism based Agents
    2.5.1 Protein Kinase Inhibitors
    2.5.2 Proteasome Inhibitors
  Chapter 3 Antiviral Agents and Anti-AIDS Agents
   3.1 Antiviral Agents
    3.1.1 Introduction
    3.1.2 Agents Inhibiting Early Viral Replication
    3.1.3 Agents Interfering with Viral Nucleic Acid Replication
   3.2 Anti AIDS Agents
    3.2.1 Introduction
    3.2.2 Inhibitors of Reverse Transcriptase
    3.2.3 HIV Protease Inhibitors
  Chapter 4 Antimicrobial and Antifungal Agents
   4.1 Antimicrobial Quinolones
    4.1.1 Development History
    4.1.2 Mechanism of Action
    4.1.3 Structure activity Relationships
   4.2 Antimicrobial Sulfonamides and Antibacterial Synerists
    4.2.1 Development History
    4.2.2 Action Mechanism and Structure activity Relationships
   4.3 Other Antimicrobial Agents
    4.3.1 Oxazolidinones
    4.3.2 Isoquinolines
    4.3.3 Nitrofurans
    4.3.4 Nitroimidazoles
   4.4 Tuberculostatics
    4.4.1 Antitubercular Antibiotics
    4.4.2 Synthetic Antitubercular Agents
   4.5 Antifungal Drugs
    4.5.1 Agents on Ergosterol of Fungi Membrane
    4.5.2 Ergosterol Biosynthesis Inhibitors
    4.5.3 Allylamine and Squalene Epoxidase Inhibitors
    4.5.4 Other Antifungal Drugs
  Chapter 5 Antiparasitic Drugs
   5.1 Antimalarial Drugs
    5.1.1 Lifecycle of Plasmodial and Role for Antimalarial Drugs
    5.1.2 Drugs for Prevention and Treatment of Malaria Disease
   5.2 Anthelmintic Drug
    5.2.1 Piperazines
    5.2.2 Imidazoles
    5.2.3 Other Anthelmintic Drugs
   5.3 Antischistosomals
  Chapter 6 Antibiotics
   6.1 Introduction
    6.1.1 Definition and Classification
    6.1.2 Mechanism of Action
   6.2 β Lactam Antibiotics
    6.2.1 Introduction
    6.2.2 Penicillins
    6.2.3 Cephalosporins
    6.2.4 Nonclassical β Lactam Antibiotics
    6.2.5 β Lactamase Inhibitors
   6.3 Aminoglycoside Antibiotics
    6.3.1 Streptomycin Sulfate
    6.3.2 Kanamycin and Derivatives
    6.3.3 Gentamicin C and Derivatives
   6.4 Macrolide Antibiotics
    6.4.1 Erythromycin and Derivatives
    6.4.2 Midecamycin and Derivatives
    6.4.3 Spiramycin and Derivatives
   6.5 Tetracycline Antibiotics
    6.5.1 Introduction
    6.5.2 Mechanism of Action
    6.5.3 Physico chemical Properties of Tetracyclines
   6.6 Other Antibiotics
 Part Ⅱ.Therapeutic Areas Ⅱ: Central Nervous System Diseases and Pain
  Chapter 7 Sedative-Hypnotics and Antiepileptics
   7.1 Sedative-hypnotics
    7.1.1 Benzodiazepines
    7.1.2 Nonbenzodiazepines
    7.1.3 Other Sedative-Hypnotics Drugs
   7.2 Antiepileptics
    7.2.1 Barbiturates and Homotypical Drugs
    7.2.2 Dibenzoazepines
    7.2.3 Caboxylic Acids
    7.2.4 Analogues of GABA
    7.2.5 Other Antiepileptics
  Chapter 8 Psychotherapeutic Drugs
   8.1 Antipsychotic Drugs
    8.1.1 Phenothiazines
    8.1.2 Thioxanthenes
    8.1.3 Butyrophenones
    8.1.4 Benzamides
    8.1.5 Dibenzodiazepines and Dibenzoxazepines
    8.1.6 Others Psychotherapeutic Drugs
   8.2 Antidepressant Drugs
    8.2.1 Norepinephrine reuptake Inhibitors
    8.2.2 Serotonin reuptake Inhibitors
    8.2.3 Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitors
    8.2.4 New Antidepressant Drugs
   8.3 Antianxiety Drugs and Antimanic Drugs
    8.3.1 Antianxiety Drugs
    8.3.2 Antimanic Drugs
  Chapter 9 Antidementia Drugs
   9.1 Cholinesterase Inhibitors
   9.2 NMDA Receptor Antagonists
   9.3 Central Stimulant Nootropics
   9.4 Current R&D Areas and Perspective
    9.4.1 CNS M1 Receptor Agonists
    9.4.2 βand γ Secretase Inhibitors
    9.4.3 Other Areas
  Chapter 10 Antiparkinsonian Agents
   10.1 Dopamine Receptor Stimulants
   10.2 Dopamine Replacers
   10.3 Dopamine Releasers
   10.4 MAO B Inhibitors and COMT Inhibitors
   10.5 Agnets for Assistant Therapy of Parkison Diseases
    10.5.1 Anticholinergic Drugs
    10.5.2 Antidepressant Drugs
   10.6 Other Antiparkinsonian Agents
  Chapter 11 Opioid Analgesics
   11.1 Morphine and Related Opioid Agonists
    11.1.1 Natural Opioid Alkaloids
    11.1.2 Modification of Morphine
   11.2 Synthetic Analgesics
    11.2.1 Morphinans
    11.2.2 Benzomorphans
    11.2.3 Piperidines
    11.2.4 Aminoketones
    11.2.5 Cyclohexane Derivates
    11.2.6 Aminotetralines
   11.3 Endogenous Opioid Peptides
   11.4 Opioid Receptor and Structure Activity Relationships of Opioid Analgesics
    11.4.1 Opioid Receptor
    11.4.2 Structure Activity Relationships of Opioid Analgesics
  Chapter 12 Nonsteroidal Antiinflammatory Drugs
   12.1 Action Mechanism of Nonsteroidal Anti inflammatory Drugs
    12.1.1 Mechanism of Inflammation
    12.1.2 Biosynthesis and Action of Prostaglandins and Related Substances
    12.1.3 Action Mechanism of NSAID
   12.2 Antipyretic Analgesics
    12.2.1 Anilines
    12.2.2 Salicylic Acids
    12.2.3 Pyrazolones
   12.3 Nonsteroidal Anti inflammatory Drugs
    12.3.1 3,5 Pyrazolidiones
    12.3.2 Aryl Carboxylic Acids
    12.3.3 N Aryl Anthranilic Acids
    12.3.4 1,2 Benzothiazides
    12.3.5 Selective COX 2 Inhibitors
   12.4 Disease modifying Antirheumatic Drugs,DMARD
   12.5 Drugs Used to Treat Gout
    12.5.1 Anti Hyperuricemia
    12.5.2 Drugs Used to Treat Acute Gouty Arthritis
 Part Ⅲ.Therapeutic Areas Ⅲ: Peripheral Nervous System Diseases and Anesthesia
  Chapter 13 Drugs Affecting Cholinergic Neurotransmission
   13.1 Muscarinic Receptor Agonists
    13.1.1 Choline Ester Muscarinic Receptor Agonists
    13.1.2 Alkaloid Muscarinic Receptor Agonists
    13.1.3 Muscarinic Receptor Subtype Selective Agonists
   13.2 Acetylcholinesterase Inhibitors
    13.2.1 Acetylcholinesterase Catalytic Mechanism
    13.2.2 Reversible Inhibitors of Acetylcholinesterase
    13.2.3 Irreversible Inhibitors of Acetylcholinesterase
    13.2.4 Cholinesterase Reactivators
   13.3 Muscarinic Receptor Antagonists
    13.3.1 Solanaceous Alkaloid Muscarinic Receptor Antagonists
    13.3.2 Synthetic Muscarinic Receptor Antagonists
    13.3.3 Muscarinic Receptor Subtype Selective Antagonists
   13.4 Nicotinic Receptor Antagonists
    13.4.1 Alkaloid Nicotinic Receptor Antagonists
    13.4.2 Synthetic Nicotinic Receptor Antagonists
  Chapter 14 Drugs Affecting Adrenergic Neurotransmission
   14.1 Introduction
   14.2 Biosynthesis,Metabolism,and Action Mechanism of Norepinephrine
    14.2.1 Biosynthesis and Metabolism
    14.2.2 Mechanism of Action
   14.3 α-Adrenergic Agonists
    14.3.1 αand β-Agonists
    14.3.2 α1 -Agonists
    14.3.3 α2 -Agonists
    14.3.4 Structure-activity Relationships
   14.4 α Adrenergic Antagonists
    14.4.1 Nonselective α Antagonists
    14.4.2 Selective α1 Antagonists
    14.4.3 Selective α2 Antagonists
   14.5 β-Adrenergic Agonists
    14.5.1 Nonselective β-Agonists
    14.5.2 Selective β1-Agonists
    14.5.3 Selective β2-Agonists
    14.5.4 Structure-activity Relationships
   14.6 β Adrenergic Antagonists
    14.6.1 Introduction
    14.6.2 Classifications of β-Antagonists
    14.6.3 Structure activity Relationships
  Chapter 15 Anesthetic Agents
   15.1 General Anesthetics
    15.1.1 Inhalation Anesthetics
    15.1.2 Intravenous Anesthetics
   15.2 Local Anesthetics
    15.2.1 Discovery of Procaine
    15.2.2 Structure Types of Local Anesthetics
    15.2.3 Structure activity Relationships of Local Anesthetics
    15.2.4 Action Mechanism of Local Anesthetics
 Part Ⅳ.Therapeutic Areas Ⅳ: Disease of Cardiovascular System
  Chapter 16 Drugs Affecting the Cardiovascular System
   16.1 Antiarrhythmic Drugs
    16.1.1 Classification of Antiarrhythmic Drugs
    16.1.2 Drugs Acting on Ion Channels
    16.1.3 β Adrenergic Blockers
   16.2 Antianginal Drugs
    16.2.1 Nitric Oxide Donating Drugs
    16.2.2 Calcium Channel Blockers
   16.3 Antihypertensive Drugs
    16.3.1 Drugs Affecting Renin Angiotensin Aldosterone System
    16.3.2 Drugs Acting on Ion Channels
    16.3.3 Miscellaneous Antihypertensive Drugs
   16.4 Plasma Lipids Regulators
    16.4.1 Drugs Reducing TG and VLDL
    16.4.2 Drugs Reducing TC and LDL
   16.5 Cardiotonic Agents
    16.5.1 Cardiac Glycoside Drugs
    16.5.2 Non cardiac Glycoside Drugs
   16.6 Antithrombotic Drugs
    16.6.1 Antipatelet Drugs
    16.6.2 Anticoagulant Drugs
    16.6.3 Thrombolytic Drugs
  Chapter 17 Diuretics
   17.1 Carbonic Anhydrase Inhibitors
   17.2 Osmotic Diuretics
   17.3 Inhibitors of Na+K+2Cl- Symport
   17.4 Inhibitors of Na+Cl- Symport
   17.5 Inhibitors of Renal Epithelial Na+ Channels
   17.6 Mineralocorticoid Receptor Antagonists
 Part Ⅴ.Therapeutic Areas V: Gastrointestinal Systemic Disease
  Chapter 18 Antiulcer Drugs
   18.1 H2 Receptor Antagonists
    18.1.1 Imidazole Derivatives
    18.1.2 Furan Derivatives
    18.1.3 Thiazole Derivatives
    18.1.4 Piperidyl Toluene Derivatives
    18.1.5 SAR of H2 Receptor Antagonist
   18.2 Proton Pump Inhibitor
    18.2.1 Omeprazole and Esomeprazole
    18.2.2 Other Proton Pump Inhibitors
    18.2.3 SAR of Proton Pump Inhibitors
    18.2.4 Reversible Proton Pump Inhibitor
   18.3 Other Antiulcer Drugs
    18.3.1 Anticholinergic Agents
    18.3.2 Prostaglandines
    18.3.3 Gastric Mucosa Protectant
  Chapter 19 Prokinetics and Antiemetics
   19.1 Prokinetics
    19.1.1 Dopamine D2 Receptor Antagonists
    19.1.2 5 HT4 Receptor Agonists
   19.2 Antiemetics
    19.2.1 Classification and Mechanism of Action
    19.2.2 5 HT3 Receptor Antagonists
 Part Ⅵ.Therapeutic Areas Ⅵ: Endocrine System Diseases
  Chapter 20 Anti-Allergic Drugs
   20.1 Histamine H1 Receptor Antagonists
    20.1.1 Classic Histamine H1 Receptor Antagonists
    20.1.2 Nonsedating Histamine H1 Receptor Antagonists
   20.2 Anti-leukotriene Drugs
    20.2.1 Leukotriene Receptor Antagonists
    20.2.2 Leukotriene Biosynthesis Inhibitors
   20.3 Inhibitors of the Release of Allergic Mediators
  Chapter 21 Steroid Hormones and Related Therapeutic Agents
   21.1 Steroid Structure and Nomenclature
    21.1.1 Steroid Backbones
    21.1.2 Nomenclature of Steroids
   21.2 Steroid Biosynthesis
   21.3 Steroid Hormone Receptors
    21.3.1 Mechanism of Steroid Hormone Action
    21.3.2 Structure of Steroid Hormone Receptors
   21.4 Estrogens and Related Drugs
    21.4.1 Endogenous Steroidal Estrogens and Derivatives
    21.4.2 Nonsteroidal Estrogens
    21.4.3 Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulator,SERM
    21.4.4 Aromatase Inhibitors
   21.5 Androgens and Related Drugs
    21.5.1 Endogenous Steroidal Androgens and Derivatives
    21.5.2 Anabolic Androgenic Steroids
    21.5.3 Androgen Receptor Antagonists
    21.5.4 5α Reductase Inhibitors
   21.6 Progestogens and Related Drugs
    21.6.1 Endogenous Steroidal Progestogens and Derivatives
    21.6.2 Testosterone Derivatives
    21.6.3 Progestogen Receptor Antagonists
   21.7 Adrenal Cortical Hormones and Related Drugs
    21.7.1 Endogenous Adrenal Cortical Hormones
    21.7.2 Glucocorticoid Drugs
    21.7.3 Adrenalcorticoid Biosynthesis Inhibitors
    21.7.4 Adrenalcorticoid Receptor Antagonists
   21.8 General Synthetic Methodology of Steroids
    21.8.1 Semi synthesis of Steroid Drugs
    21.8.2 Total synthesis of Steroid Drugs
  Chapter 22 Hypoglycemic Drugs
   22.1 Insulin
    22.1.1 Insulin
    22.1.2 Insulin Analoges and Formulations
   22.2 Oral Hypoglycemic Drugs
    22.2.1 Promoter to Insulin Secretion
    22.2.2 Insulin Enhancers
    22.2.3 Dipeptidyl Peptidase Ⅳ Inhibitors
    22.2.4 α Glucosidase Inhibitors
  Chapter 23 Vitamins
   23.1 Water soluble Vitamins
    23.1.1 Vitamin B1
    23.1.2 Vitamin B2
    23.1.3 Vitamin C
    23.1.4 Vitamin B6
    23.1.5 Pantothenic Acid
    23.1.6 Folic Acid
    23.1.7 Miscellaneous Water soluble Vitamins
   23.2 Lipid soluble Vitamins
    23.2.1 Vitamin A
    23.2.2 Vitamin D
    23.2.3 Vitamin E
    23.2.4 Vitamin K
 Part Ⅶ.Priciples of Medicinal Chemistry
  Chapter 24 Outline of Molecular Drug Design
   24.1 Introduction
    24.1.1 Attributes of Drug
    24.1.2 Four Elements of Drug Innovation
   24.2 Molecular Diversity---Lead Discovery
    24.2.1 Diverse Natural Products are Important Sources of Lead Compounds
    24.2.2 Combinatorial Chemistry
    24.2.3 Random Screening
    24.2.4 Virtual Screening
   24.3 Molecular Complementarity---Lead Discovery
    24.3.1 Molecular Recognition
    24.3.2 Structure-based Drug Design
    24.3.3 Anti sense Oligonucleotide
   24.4 Molecular Similarity---Lead Discovery and Optimization
    24.4.1 Endogenous Ligand-based Drug Design
    24.4.2 Peptidomimetics
    24.4.3 Replacement of Bioisosteres
    24.4.4 Topliss Decision Tree
    24.4.5 Transition State Analogs
    24.4.6 Dissection,Homologues,Vinylogues and Ring-chain Alteration
    24.4.7 Synthetic Intermediates
    24.4.8 Metabolism-based Drug Design
   24.5 Strategy of Molecular Drug Design
    24.5.1 Hit,Lead and Drug Candidate
    24.5.2 Drug Molecule is the Assembly of Macroscopic Properties and Microscopic Structure
    24.5.3 Pharmacophore and Scaffold
  Chapter 25 Drug Metabolism
   25.1 Introduction
   25.2 Enzymes for Drug Metabolism
    25.2.1 Cytochrome P 450 Enzyme System
    25.2.2 Reductase
    25.2.3 Peroxidases and Other Monooxygenases
    25.2.4 Hydrolases
   25.3 Phase ⅠBiotransformation
    25.3.1 Oxidations
    25.3.2 Reductions
    25.3.3 Dehalogenation
    25.3.4 Hydrolysis
   25.4 Phase Ⅱ Biotransformation
    25.4.1 Glucuronic acid Conjugation
    25.4.2 Sulfate Conjugation
    25.4.3 Conjugation with Amino Acid
    25.4.4 Glutathione Conjugation
    25.4.5 Acetylation
    25.4.6 Methylation
   25.5 Role of Drug Metabolism in Drug Research
    25.5.1 Design and Discovery of New Drugs
    25.5.2 Optimization of Drug Pharmacokinetics
    25.5.3 Explaining Action Mechanism of Drugs
  Chapter 26 Structure-activity Relationships and Computer Aided Drug Design
   26.1 Classification of Drugs
    26.1.1 Processes of Drug-organism Interaction
    26.1.2 Classification of Drugs
    26.1.3 Pharmacophore
   26.2 Physicochemical Properties and Drug Action
    26.2.1 Effects of Solubility and Partition Coefficient on Drug Action
    26.2.2 Effects of Acidity,Alkality and Dissociation on Drug Action
   26.3 Drug-receptor Interaction and Drug Effect
    26.3.1 Effects of Drug-receptor Binding on Drug Action
    26.3.2 Effects of Functional Groups on Drug Action
    26.3.3 Effects of Charge Distribution on Drug Action
    26.3.4 Effects of Stereochemistry on Drug Action
   26.4 Two Dimension Quantitative Structure-activity Relationships
    26.4.1 Outline of 2D QSAR
    26.4.2 Hansch Method
    26.4.3 Application of Hansch Method to Drug Design
   26.5 3D QSAR and Computeraided Drug Design
    26.5.1 Ligand based Approaches
    26.5.2 Receptor-based Drug Design
 Project lndex(Chinese/English)
 Project lndex( English/Chinese)