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  • 清华大学出版社
  • 9787302399537
  • 1-1
  • 190324
  • 16开
  • 2015年6月
  • 文学
  • 外国语言文学
  • F7
  • 英语
  • 高职高专
  “新商务英语教程”系列教材采用话题、语言技 能和任务紧密结合的编写原则,全书以话题为核心, 语言技能为主线,精心设计的任务型活动贯穿每个教 学单元。本书为《新商务英语综合教程4》,由戴明 元主编,全书共8个单元,每单元由Learning Objectives,Lead-in,Readings,Language Skills in Focus和Cultural Tips 5个模块构成, 以多种形式对英语阅读、翻译、写作和口语等基本技 能进行综合性训练。

  本教材可供高职高专院校商务英语专业和应用英 语专业外贸和涉外文秘方向的学生在二年级下学期使 用。
Unit 1 Corporate Culture
Learning Objectives
Section A Lead-in
Section B Readings
Text A What Is Corporate Culture?
Text B Being a Gentleman at the Office: the Dos of Business Etiquette
Section C Language Skills in Focus
Section D Cultural Tips
Unit 2 Trademark and Brand
Learning Objectives
Section A Lead-in
Section B Readings
Text A Brand Awareness
Text B Protecting Your Brand with Trademarks
Section C Language Skills in Focus
Section D Cultural Tips
Unit 3 Mechanism of the Board
Learning Objectives
Section A Lead-in
Section B Readings
Text A The Board of Directors
Text B A More Effective Board of Directors
Section C Language Skills in Focus
Section D Cultural Tips
Unit 4 Stock Market
Learning Objectives
Section A Lead-in
Section B Readings
Text A Understanding the Stock Market
Text B How Stocks and the Stock Market Work
Section C Language Skills in Focus
Section D Cultural Tips
Unit 5 Overseas Market
Learning Objectives
Section A Lead-in
Section B Readings
Text A The Challenges of Doing Business Overseas
Text B Product Strategies for Overseas Markets
Section C Language Skills in Focus
Section D Cultural Tips
Vision of the
Unit 6 Company
Learning Objectives
Section A Lead-in
Section B Readings
Text A Building Your Company's Vision
Text B What is a Vision Statement?
Section C Language Skills in Focus
Section D Cultural Tips
Unit 7 Business Tycoons
Learning Objectives
Section A Lead-in
Section B Readings
Text A Warren Buffett
Text B A Successful Leader--Li Ka-shing
Section C Language Skills in Focus
Section D Cultural Tips
Unit 8 Top 500
Learning Objectives
Section A Lead-in
Section B Readings
Text A Apple Inc
Text B Starbucks
Section C Language Skills in Focus
Section D Cultural Tips
New Words and Expressions