- 中国地质大学出版社
- 9787562521587
- 188199
- 2007-09
Chapter 1 IntroductionChapter 2 MineralsChapter 3 Igneous RocksChapter 4 External Geological Process and Sedimentary RocksChapter 5 Metamorphic RocksChapter 6 Geologic Time ScaleChapter 7 EarthquakesChapter 8 Geological StructuresChapter 9 Plate TectonicsChapter 10 Weathering and SoilChapter 11 StreamsChapter 12 GroundwaterChapter 13 Ocean and Coastal ProcessesChapter 14 GlacierChapter 15 Wind Action and DesertChapter 16 Mass WastingChapter 17 Lake and WetlandChapter 18 The Solar SystemChapter 19 Resource and Sustainable DevelopmentChapter 20 Atmosphere and EnvironmentReferences图版