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  • 国防工业出版社
  • 9787118099218
  • 142518
  • 2015年1月
  • 未分类
  • 未分类
  • H315.9
Unit One Science and Technology
 Lecture科技英语的特点Features of English for Science&Technology
 Text Pure and Applied Science理论科学与应用科学
 Extended Reading Branches of Science科学的分支
Unit Two Science&Technology in the Past
 Lecture翻译概论General Introduction to Translation
 Text Science and Technology in Traditional China中国古代的科学与技术
 Extended Reading List of Chinese Inventions古代中国人的发明
Unit Three Language of Science
 Lecture科技术语的翻译Translation of Scientific Terminology
 Text Numbers and Mathematics数与数学
 Extended Reading Mathematical Methods in Physics and Engineering物理学和工程学中的数学方法
Unit Four Physical Science
 Text Physics物理学
 Extended Reading Relationship of Chemistry to Other Sciences and Industry化学与其他学科和工业生产的关系
Unit Five Earth Science
 Lecture增词法与减词法Amplification and Omission
 Text The Scope of Geology地质学的范围
 Extended Reading Paleontology古生物学
Unit Six Life Science(I)
 Lecture被动语态的译法The Translation of Passive voice
 Text History of Biology生物学的历史
 Extended Reading Branches of Biology生物学的分支
Unit Seven Life Science(II)
 Lecture定语从句的译法The Translation of Attributive C1ause
 Text It’s Not“All in the Genes”基因并非包含一切
 Extended Reading Genetically Modified Foods转基因食品
Unit Eight Aeronautics
 Lecture长句的译法The Translation of Long Sentences
 Text The Plane Makers飞机制造者
 Extended Reading How Aircraft Are Built飞机是怎样制造出来的
Unit Nine Astronautics
 Lecture段落翻译Paragraph Translation
 Text The Scientific Exploration of Space宇宙科学探索
 Extended Reading Introduction to Space Exploration太空探索简介
UnIt Ten Givil Aviation
 Lecture科技文章翻译Translation of Scientific Writing
 Text Air Safety航空安全
 Extended Reading Airline Services航空服务
Unit Eleven Computer Science
 Lecture产品说明书翻译Translation of Product Specification
 Text What Is a Computer?计算机是什么?
 Extended Reading The Development of Computer Science计算机科学的发展
Unit Twelve Mechanical Engineering
 Lecture科技文献检索Scientific Information Retrieval
 Text The Engineering Profession工程行业
 Extended Reading Functions of Mechanical Engineering机械工程的作用
Key&Reference Translation答案和参考译文