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  • 中国建筑工业出版社
  • 9787112075225
  • 1-1
  • 138453
  • 47152172-4
  • 平装
  • 16开
  • 2009-01
  • 164
  • 工学
  • 土木工程
  • TU-43
  • 土木工程
  • 本科
《Introduction of Civil Engineering》(土木工程概论)是为学习土木工程专业及相关学科的中国学生提供的一部英文参考教材。
ForewordCHAPTER ONE CIVIL ENGINEERING AND CIVIL ENGINEERS 1.1 What is Civil Engineering 1.2 Sub-fields of Civil Engineering 1.3 Civil Engineers in History 1.4 About Science, Technology and Engineering 1.5 What Do Civil Engineers Do ? 1.6 How Does a Civil Engineer Work 1.7 The profession of civil engineering 1.8 Civil Engineering & the Future CHAPTER TWO PREPARATION FOR BEING A CIVIL ENGINEER 2.1 What Kinds of Knowledge Are Necessary for a Civil Engineer? 2.2 What Can the University Education Provide for Students? 2.3 What Abilities Shall a Future Civil Engineer Possess? 2.4 How Do You Match the Demands of the Program Education? 2.5 Continuous Education ForeverCHAPTER THREE CIVIL ENGINEERING MATERIALS 3.1 Introduction to Civil Engineering Materials 3.2 Timber 3.3 Metals 3.4 Concrete 3.5 Bituminous Materials 3.6 Soils 3.7 Polymer 3.8 Bricks and BlocksCHAPTER FOUR BUILDING ENGINEERING 4.1 Features of Building Engineering 4.2 Composition and Function of Building 4.3 Classification of Buildings 4.4 Structural Systems of Buildings 4.5 Special Engineering StructuresCHAPTER FIVE TECHNICAL INNOVATIONS IN WORLD'S BRIDGE DEVELOPMENT 5.1 Introduction-Historic Review 5.2 Technical Innovation in the First Half of the 20th Centur; 5.3 Technical Innovation in the 1950's 5.4 Technical Innovation in the 1960's 5.5 Technical Innovation in the 1970's 5.6 Technical Innovation in the 1980's 5.7 Technical Innovation in the 1990's 5.8 Bridge Development in the 21st Century 5.9 ConclusionsCHAPTER SIX RAILWAY AND TRANSPORT 6.1 Evolution of the Railway 6.2 High-speed Trains 6.3 Aerotrain and Maglev 6.4 The Track System 6.5 Railway SubgradeCHAPTER SEVEN TUNNEL ENGINEERING 7.1 Introduction 7.2 Tunnel Types and Tunnel Structures 7.3 Construction of Tunnels 7.4 Future DevelopmentCHAPTER EIGHT HYDRAULIC STRUCTURESCHAPTER NINE OFFSHORE STRUCTURAL ENGINEERINGCHAPTER TEN SOIL MECHANICS AND FOUNDATIONSCHAPTER ELEVEN HYDRAULIC ENGINEERINGCHAPTER TWELVE HAZARD MITIGATION