语言学高级教程(英文版) / 语言学教材系列
作者: 胡壮麟
- 北京大学出版社
- 9787301056523
- 1版
- 109774
- 43150389-5
- 平装
- A5
- 2012-12
- 731
- 816
- 文学
- 中国语言文学
- H0-43
- 语言学
《语言学高级教程》(Linguistics:An Advanced Course Book)是为我国英语专业研究生,特别是国外语言学与应用语言学专业的研究生编写的语言学教材。这类教材在我国基本上处于空白。我们是这样考虑的:让我国的研究生有机会接触当代语言学及其应用学科的新进展,站在新世纪的高度去学习和思考本领域的主要问题。
Chpater 1 Linguistics-A Pilot Science 1.1 Why Study Linguistics? 1.2 What Is Language? 1.3 Origin of Langurage 1.4 Design Features of Language 1.5 Animal Communication Systems,Gesture and Other Langruage Forms 1.6 Perspectives of Language Studies 1.7 Functions of Language 1.8 Important Distioncaions inf Linguistics 1.9 Data of Linguistics 1.10 Status and Prospect of Linguistics ReferecesChpater 2 Phonetics……Chpater 3 PhonologyChpater 4 MorphologyChpater 5 Generative SytaxChpater 6 Functional SytaxChpater 7 SemanticsChpater 8 Linguistic ComparisonChpater 9 Language,Culture,and SocietyChpater 10 PsycholinguisticsChpater 11 PranmaticsChpater 12 StylisticsChpater 13 Computational LinguisticsChpater 14 Second Language AcquisitionChpater 15 Linguistics and Second Language TeachingChpater 16 Modern Therorises and Schools of LinguisticsIndex