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以下为《新标准大学英语 快速阅读 1 (含CD-ROM)》的配套数字资源,这些资源在您购买图书后将免费附送给您:
  • 外语教学与研究出版社
  • 9787560097190
  • 238034
  • 2010年8月
  • 160
  • 文学
  • 外国语言文学
北京外国语大学学术委员会主任、教授、博士生导师,中国英语教学研究会会长、国际应用语言学学会执行委员、《国际应用语言学》编委会委员、《中国应用语言 学》主编、《中国外语教育》主编。主要研究领域为应用语言学,研究兴趣包括二语习得、英语学习策略、口语测试、学习者语料库研究等,已发表论文百余篇,出 版专著十余部,主持多项国家级研究项目。多次获得国家级教学成果奖及各类省部级教学或科研成果奖,向国家政府部门提交了多篇咨询报告。

Unit 1 Starting out
Passage 1 Asian-American Students' Culture Shock
Passage 2 College Housing
Passage 3 Secrets of Straight-A Students
Passage 4 Living with a Roommate

Unit 2 Food, glorious food!
Passage 1 Healthy Food Tips for Freshmen
Passage 2 Five Super Foods for Men
Passage 3 Thanksgiving, an American Meal
Passage 4 Fourteen Ways to Lose Weight After the Holidal

Unit 3 Learning to think
Passage 1 Can Colleges Teach Thinking?
Passage 2 The Power of Your Thought Processes
Passage 3 The How-Not:to Study Guide
Passage 4 Study Skill -- Getting Started

Unit 4 Person to person
Passage 1 The Good Word
Passage.2 Verbal Communication Techniques
Passage 3 Body Language
Passage 4 How to Communicate: Improve Your Relationships with Effective Communication Skills

Unit 5 All you need is love
Passage 1 What Does Love Require of Us?
Passage 2 A Hand to Hold When I Grow Old
Passage 3 Weddings Worldwide
Passage 4 Changes in Marriage

Unit 6 Shop till you drop
Passage 1 The Behaviour of Shopaholics
Passage 2 How Digital Shopping Lists Work
Passage 3 Planning for Bargains All Through the Year
Passage 4 Mums Follow Basic Lessons When Shopping for Autumn

Unit 7 Family affairs
Passage 1 Strengthening Friendships with Parents and In-laws
Passage 2 Families Need to Man Up
Passage 3 Homeschooling
Passage 4 1 Will Never Be My Mother

Unit 8 Arrivals and departures
Passage 1 Defining the Experience of Travel
Passage 2 Overseas Adventure Travel Guide
Passage 3 Your Travel Choice Makes a Difference
Passage 4 Things to Do in Arizona with Kids

Unit 9 Body and mind
Passage l An Inspiration for Pessimists
Passage 2 Stress-Breaking Techniques
Passage 3 Give Your Brain a Boost
Passage 4 Diet or Exercise

Unit 10 Environmental matters
Passage 1 Climate Change: No Eden, No Apocalypse
Passage 2 Top Green Job Search Tips
Passage 3 Analysis of Alarmism: Ocean Acidification
Passage 4 Biodiversity Loss Can Increase Infectious Diseases in Humal
Answer Key