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  • 北京师范大学出版社
  • 9787303167241
  • 109460
  • 0065171688-8
  • 16开
  • 2014年
  • 文学
  • 外国语言文学
  • H31
  • 英语类
  • 高职


Unit on e Self————introd uction
 Part One
 Part TWO
 Further——study Proj ect
 Part Three
Unit Two H ow to Learn a La n guage
 Part One
 Part TWO
 Further——study Project
 Part Three
Unit Th re e Man agi n g Tim e
 Part One
 Part TWO
 Further——study Proj ect
 Part Three
Unit Fo ur Maki n g Frien d s
 Part One
 Part TWO
 Further——study Proj ect
 Part Three
Unit Five Leisure Activity
 Part One
 Part TWO
 Further——study Project
 Part Three
Unit Six Opportunity and Success
 Part One
 Part TWO
 Further——study Proj ect
 Part Three
Unit Seven Environment Protection
 Part One
 Part TWO
 Further——study Proj ect
 Part Three
Unit Ei gh t Festival
 Part one
 Part TWO
 Further—study Project
 Part Three