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  • 北京大学医学出版社
  • 9787565904813
  • 1版
  • 66939
  • 48219738-1
  • 平装
  • 16开
  • 2012-12
  • 医学
  • 基础医学
  • R-42
  • 医学
  • 本科 研究生(硕士、EMBA、MBA、MPA、博士)
  《美国医师*考试丛书:High-Yield 系统解剖学(第4版)》主要特色:1.内容高度概括,重点突出有利于读者快速掌握学科的核心知识。2.编排新颖、既有基础知识要点的介绍,又有以疾病为核心的综合归纳,并体现了相关学科的横向联系。3.语言规范、地道,既有利于读者快速掌握专业词汇,又有利于医学英语思维的培养。
Vertebral Column
I. The Vertebral Column
II. Curves
III. Joints
IV. Vasculature of the Vertebral Column
V. Clinical Considerations
VI. Normal Radiology
Spinal Cord and Spinal Nerves
I. Components of the Spinal Cord
II. Meninges and Spaces
III. Arterial Supply of the Spinal Cord
IV. Components of a Spinal Nerve
M Dermatomes
VI. Clinical Procedures
VII. Clinical Considerations
Autonomic Nervons System
I. General Features of the Nervous System
II. Sympathetic Division of the ANS (Thoracolumbar)
III. Parasympathetic Division of the ANS (Craniosacral)
IV. Summary Table of Sympathetic and Parasympathetic Motor Actions
Lymphatic System
I. Central Lymphatic Drainage
II. Summary Diagram of Specific Lymphatic Drainage
Chest Wall
I. General Features of the Thorax
II. Bones of the Thorax
III. Muscles of the Thorax
IV. Movement of the Thoracic Wall
V. Arteries of the Thorax
VI. Veins of the Thorax
VII. Nerves of the Thorax
VIII. Breast
IX. Anterior Chest Wall
X. Lateral Chest Wall
XI. Posterior Chest Wall
XII. Mediastinum
XIII. Radiology
Pleura, Tracheobronchial Tree, and Lungs
I. Pleura
II. Tracheobronchial Tree
III. Lungs
IV. Clinical Considerations
V. Cross-sectional Anatomy
I. The Pericardium
II. Heart Surfaces
III. Heart Borders
IV. Fibrous Skeleton of the Heart
V. Valves and Auscultation Sites
VI. Arterial Supply of the Heart
VII. Venous Drainage of the Heart
VIII. The Conduction System
IX. Innervation of the Heart
X. Gross Anatomy of the Heart
XI. Clinical Considerations
XII. Radiology
Abdominal Wall
I. Abdominal Regions
II. Clinical Procedure
III. Inguinal Region
IV. The Scrotum
Peritoneal Cavity
I. Peritoneal Cavity
II. Omentum
IIl. Intraperitoneal and Extraperitoneal Viscera
IV. Clinical Considerations
Abdominal Vasculatnre
I. Abdominal Aorta
II. Venous Drainage of the Abdomen
III. Hepatic Portal System
Abdominal Viscera
I. Esophagus
II. Stomach
III. Duodenum
IV. Jejunum
V. Ileum
VI. Innervation of the Small Intestine
VII. Large Intestine
VIII. Innervation of the Large Intestine
IX. Appendix
X. Gallbladder
XI. Extrahepatic Biliary Ducts
XII. Liver
XIII. Pancreas
XIV. Cross-sectional Anatomy
XV. Radiology
Sigmoid Colon, Rectum, and Anal Canal
I. Sigmoid Colon
II. Rectum
III. Anal Canal
IV. Defecation Reflex
V. Radiology
I. General Features
II. Arterial Supply
III. Venous Drainage
IV. Clinical Considerations
V. Radiology
Kidney, Ureter, Bladder, and Urethra
I. General Features
II. Kidney Surface Projections
III. Internal Macroscopic Anatomy of the Kidney
IV. Arterial Supply
V. Venous Drainage
VI. Innervation
VII. Clinical Considerations of the Kidney
VIII. Ureter
IX. Urinary Bladder
X. Urethra
XI. Radiology
Snprarenal (Adrenal) Glands
I. General Features
II. Arterial Supply
III. Venous Drainage
IV. Innervation
V. Adrenal Cortex
VI. Adrenal Medulla
VII. Laboratory Findings Used to Diagnose Suprarenal Gland Disorders
Female Reproductive System
I. Ovaries
II. Uterine Tubes
III. Uterus
IV. Cervix
V. Ectocervix
VI. Vagina
VII. External Genitalia
VIII. Innervation of the Female Reproductive System
Male Reproductive System
I. Testes
II. Epididymis
III. Ductus Deferens
IV. Contents of the Spermatic Cord
V. Ejaculatory Duct
VI. Seminal Vesicles
VII. Bulbourethral (BU) Glands of Cowper
VIII. Prostate Gland
IX. Penis
X. Innervation of the Male Reproductive System
XI. Erection, Secretion, Emission, and Ejaculation
I. Bones of the Pelvis
II. Greater and Lesser Sciatic Foramina
III. Pelvic Inlet (Pelvic Brim)
IV. Pelvic Outlet
V. Comparison of the Female and Male Pelvis
VI. Muscles of the Pelvis
VII. Arterial Supply
VIII. Venous Drainage
IX. Nerves
X. Support of the Pelvic Organs
XI. Clinical Considerations
XlI. Radiology
I. Perineum
II. Uro