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以下为《通过真题记单词 大学英语四级》的配套数字资源,这些资源在您购买图书后将免费附送给您:
  • 中国石化出版社
  • 9787511426451
  • 64967
  • 2014年3月
  • 未分类
  • 未分类
  • H313
1 Take a Lesson from Alcohol Control Policies学习酒类管制政策
2 Good Bye,Kodak再见,柯达
3 Libraries图书馆
4 Debate on Charity关于慈善的争议
5 The Latest Job Markets最新就业形势
6 Should the Elderly Be Routinely Screened for New Tumors?老年人应该定期进行新肿瘤筛查吗?
7 My Experiences in the Factories我在工厂的经历
8 Hight-tech Products高科技产品
9 The Influence of Economic Crisis on American Families经济危机对美国家庭的影响
10 Facebook Invasion of Our Privacy Facebook侵犯了我们的隐私
11 Boy's Schools男子学校
12 The Issue of Money in Couple Relationships夫妻关系中的金钱问题
13 British Cuisine:The Best of Old and New英国菜系:新旧的完美融合
14 A Roommate of Different Race不同种族的室友
15 A Grassroots Remedy大自然疗法
16 Being Sociable Looks Like a Good Way to Add Years to Your Life乐于与人交际似乎有助于延年益寿
17 Caught in the Web沉湎于互联网
18 The Black Box黑匣子
19 Colleges Take Another Look at Value of Merit-based Aid大学重新审视奖学金发放制度
20 Improve the Views of Black Women改善对黑人妇女的看法
21 How do You See Diversity?你如何看待多样化?
22 Green Fashion Show绿色时装秀
23 That's Enough,Kids不要闹了,孩子!
24 Keeping Customers Happy Is Easier Said than Done让消费者满意说起来容易做起来难
25 Media Selection for Advertisements广告媒体选择
26 Inconvenient Truth--Global Warming全球变暖--不可忽视的真相
27 Give Children Growing Room给予孩子们成长空间
28 Children as Peacemakers孩童做为和平缔造者
29 Distance Learning's Future Tendency远程教育的未来趋势
30 Protect Your Privacy When Job-hunting Online网络求职时保护好你的隐私
31 How to Do Free Writing如何进行自由创作
32 Don't Talk About Gender Issue Again-a Female Scientist's Confession勿谈性别歧视--一位女性科学家的自白
33 Six Secrets of High-Energy People精力充沛的人们的六个秘密
34 American Women's Role美国妇女角色
35 Bottled Water Effects Our Desire瓶装水反应我们的需求
36 From Preventing Disease to Keeping Physical Wellness从预防疾病到保持良好身体状况
37 Highways高速公路
38 Man's Media Lies人类的媒体谎言
39 Operation Safe Travel安全旅行行动
40 Whether It Has Enough Oil Under ANWR for Drilling?北极国家野生动物保护区是否有可观石油足够开采?
41 Language Behavior语言行为
42 False Environmental Claims虚伪的环保说明
43 American's “Last Great Places”美国最后的好地方
44 Cold and Flu感冒与流感
45 Early Education in Japan and America美国与日本的早期教育
46 Lead Accumulation铅沉积
47 Exercise运动
48 Politics in the Office办公室政治
49 Argument on Hydrogen Bomb氢弹引起的争论
50 Sign手语
51 Diana and Landmine戴安娜与地雷
52 Happiness幸福
53 How to Ask for a Raise怎样要求加薪
54 Family Dinner家庭聚餐
55 Hurricane and House飓风与房子
56 Graduated Licensing System渐进式制度
57 Hunting a Job找工作
58 Children Changed孩子变了
59 Opinion意见
60 Study or Play学还是玩
61 Henry Ford亨利·福特
62 Absent-minded Behavior心不在焉
63 Which One Is Better.Foster Homes or Biological Homes?收养孩子的家庭和亲生孩子的家庭,哪个更好?
64 Hero Worship英雄崇拜
65 Education and Career教育与职业
66 New-tech新技术
67 Competition竞争
68 The Blue Whale and Tracking蓝鲸与追踪
69 Encoding强迫记忆
70 Away from Stress远离压力
71 The Fitness健身运动
72 The Future of Cars汽车的未来
73 Hunting or Protecting猎杀还是保护
74 What Old Brings老龄化带来了什么
75 Moral Decline道德水准下降
76 The Sea Is Coming海水来了
77 How to Face Sport怎样面对体育运动
78 Water Shortage水荒
79 Training Dog驯狗
80 The Engineering and the Liberal Arts工科与文科
81 The Formaldehyde Pollution甲醛污染
82 Recycling再回收利用