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  • 清华大学出版社
  • 9787302360841
  • 1-1
  • 63348
  • 16开
  • 2014年8月
  • 经济学
  • 应用经济学
  • F740.4
  • 经济管理
  • 高职高专
  本书内容以进出口交易磋商、订立合同和履行合同这一基本程序为主线,全面系统地介绍了品名、品质、数量、包装、价格、交货条件(包括国际货物运输与保险)、支付条件7个主要交易条件和商检、索赔、仲裁、不可抗力4个一般交易条件。 本书突出全英文浸泡式的教学模式,引入*的国际贸易惯例和法规。同时,注重互动式教学内容设计和应用性特色,力求与外贸公司的实际业务紧密相连,强调案例分析,以提高学生分析问题、解决问题的能力。本书既是一本专业的贸易教材,也是外贸英语的语言教材,适合高校商务英语专业的学生、贸易类大专院校的学生和从事外贸业务需要强化外贸英语语言的学习者使用。
Chapter 1 Introduction  Section 1 Definition and Role of International Trade  Section 2  Differences between International Trade and Domestic Trade  Section 3  Laws and Practices Applicable to International Trade  Section 4  Procedures for International TradeChapter 2 Terms of Commodity  Section 1  Name of Commodity  Section 2  Quality of Commodity  Section 3  Quantity of Goods  Section 4  Packaging of GoodsChapter 3  International Trade Terms and Customs  Section 1  Definitions and Functions of International Trade Terms  Section 2  FOB, CFR and CIF  Section 3  FCA, CPT and CIP  Section 4  EXW and FAS  Section 5  DAT, DAP and DDPChapter 4  Price of Commodity  Section 1  Price Components in International Trade  Section 2  Commission and Discount  Section 3  Understanding the Price  Section 4  Export Quotation Accounting Practice  Section 5  Pricing Considerations  Section 6  Clause of PriceChapter 5  International Cargo Transportation  Section 1  Modes of Transport  Section 2  Clause of Shipment  Section 3  Transportation DocumentsChapter 6  International Cargo Transportation Insurance  Section 1  Parties to the Insurance  Section 2  Fundamental Principles of Cargo Insurance  Section 3  Marine Insurance  Section 4  Other Types of Cargo Insurance  Section 5  Institute Cargo Clauses  Section 6  Insurance Terms in Sales Contract  Section 7  Insurance Practice of China Export CompaniesChapter 7  International Payment  Section 1  Instruments of Payment  Section 2  Modes of International Payment  Section 3  Usage of Different Payment ModesChapter 8  Commodity Inspection and Claim  Section 1  Inspection of Commodity  Section 2  Dispute and ClaimsChapter 9  Force Majeure and Arbitration  Section 1  Force Majeure  Section 2  ArbitrationChapter 10  Business Negotiation  Section 1  The General Process of Export/Import Transaction  Section 2  Enquiry (Inquiry)  Section 3  Offer  Section 4  Counter Offer  Section 5  AcceptanceChapter 11  International Business Contract  Section 1  Establishment of Contract  Section 2  The Format of a ContractChapter 12  Implementation of Sales Contract  Section 1  Performance of Export Contract  Section 2  Performance of Import ContractBibliography