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  • 郑州大学出版社
  • 9787564559953
  • 433452
  • 2019年8月
  《医学微生物学实验指导(供临床、基础、预防、口腔、药学、检验、护理等专业留学生及双语教学使用 英文版)》(Experimental Guide of Medical Microbiology)与《医学微生物学》(Medical Microbiology)相配套,是为了适应学科发展、满足教学需要,培养学生理论联系实际、独立思考、独立操作的能力而编写。内容主要包括微生物学基本技术及实验,常见病原体的分离鉴定,综合性试验等。
Chapter 1 An Introduction to Medical Microbiology,Aseptic Technique and Safety Measures
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Medical Microbiology Laboratory
1.3 Aseptic Techniques and Safety Measures
1.4 General Laboratory Directions for Students

Chapter 2 Microscope Use and Care
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Parts of the Microscope
2.3 Using the Microscope
2.4 Using the Microscope to Observe Bacteria

Chapter 3 Differential Staining-Grams Staining
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Gram Stain
3.3 Acid—fast Stain

Chapter 4 Bacterial Morphology and Structure
4.2 Introduction
4.3 Different Morphological Forms of Bacteria

Chapter 5 Bacterial Culture Media&Preparation
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Types of Media
5.3 Preparation of Media

Chapter 6 Bacterial Culture Methods
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Culture Medium
6.3 Materials
6.4 Methods of Bacterial Culture

Chapter 7 Sterilization and Disinfection Methods
7.1 Introduction
7.2 Principles of Sterilization and Disinfection
7.3 Effects of Sterilization and Disinfeetion Methods

Chapter 8 Quality Control in Medical Microbiology
8.1 Internal Quality Control
8.2 External Quality Assurance
8.3 Conclllsion

Chapter 9 Microbial Flora of the Air
9.1 Introduction

Chapter 10 Normal Microbial Flora of Human Skin
10.1 Introduction
10.2 Examination of Normal Microbial Flora of Human Skin

Chapter 11 Microbial Analysis of Milk and Water
11.1 Microbial Analysis of Milk
l 1.2 Microbial Analysis of Water

Chapter 12 Collection Methods of Patients Clinical Samples
12.1 Introduction
12.2 Blood Samples
12.3 Clean-Catch Urine Samples Collection
12.4 24-Hour Urine Samples Collection
12.5 Sputum Samples Collection
12.6 Stool Samples Collection
12.7 Throat Swab Samples Collection
12.8 Deep Nasal Swab Samples Collection
12.9 Other Body Fluid Samples Collection

Chapter 13 Isolation and Identification of Bacterial Pathogens from Clinical Specimens
13.1 Bacteriological Examination of Blood and Bone Marrow
13.2 Bacteriological Examination of Urine Specimens
13.3 Bacteriological Examination of Genital Tract Specimens
13.4 Bacteriological Examination of Fecal Specimens
13.5 Bacteriological Examination of Respiratory Specimens

Chapter 14 Bacterial Pathogenicity and Identification Tests for Staphylococci
14.1 Pathogenicity Tests of Staphylococcus
14.2 Identification Tests for Staphylococcus
14.3 Conclusion

Chapter 15 Bacterial Pathogenicity and Identification Tests for Enteric Bacilli[Escherichia Coli,Salmonella and Shigella
15.1 Introduction
15.2 Principles of Identification

Chapter 16 Antimicobial Agents and Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing
16.1 Introduction
16.2 Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing(AST)
16.3 Minimum Inhibitory Concentration(MIC)

Chapter 17 Principles of Antigen Detection and Nucleic Acid Assays for Detection and Identification of Microorganisms
17.1 Seroloical Tests for Clinical Diagnosis
17.2 Post—lab Questions
17.3 Nucleic Acid Testing(NAT)一RT—PCR

Chapter 18 Methods in Fungus Isolation
18.1 Isolation of Medically Important Fungi

Chapter 19 Procedures in Diagnosis of Fungal Infections
19.1 Fungi as Human and Animal Pathogens

Chapter 20 Sample Collection and Culture Methods in Virology
20.1 Sample Collection
20.2 Cultural Methods of Viruses

Chapter 21 Virus Infections and Diagnostic Methods
21.1 Observation of Viral Morphology