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以下为《Superstring Theory》的配套数字资源,这些资源在您购买图书后将免费附送给您:
  • 高等教育出版社
  • 9787040188561
  • 1版
  • 417070
  • 精装
  • 特殊
  • 2006-02-27
  • 350
  • 348

Mathematics is a rapidly developing field where ideas and methods from many different subjects are interchanged and applied abundantly. One example is String Theory, which has raised many mathematical questions and has motivated the development of surprising new mathematical theories. String Theory has helped to solve many long-standing problems in mathematics, particularly in algebraic geometry.


 Front Matter
 Stephen Hawking: Brane New World
 Edward Witten: Gauge Theory and Gravity
 Edward Witten: Easing Into QFT
 Andrew Strominger Open String Creation by S-brane
 Sergio Ferrara: Duality, Gauging and SuperHiggs Effect in Stringand M-theory
 Tohru Eguchi, Kazuhiro Sakai: Seiberg Witten Curve for the E-String Theory
 Louise Dolan, Chiara R. Nappi: Strings and Noncommutativity
 Eric D'Hoker, D. H. Phong: Lectures on Two-loop Superstrings.
 Eric D'Hoker, I. Krichever and D. H. Phong: Seiberg-Witten Theory, Symplectic Forms, and Hamiltonian Theory of Solitons
 Zhi-zhong Xing: Quark Mass Hierarchy and Flavor Mixing in Orbifold Models
 S. Gukov: M-theory on Manifolds with Exceptional Holonomy
 R. P. Thomas: Stability Conditions and the Braid Group
 Rong-Gen Cai: Some Remarks on Constant Curvature Spaces
 Shinobu Hosono: Fourier-Mukai Partners and Mirror Symmetry of K3 Surfaces
 Shinobu Hosono: Counting BPS States via Holomorphic Anomaly Equations
 Yi-hong Gao: Symmetries, Matrices, and de Sitter Gravity
 Miao Li: Correspondence Principle in a PP-wave Background
 Bin Wang: Support of dS/CFT Correspondence from Spacetirne Perturbations
 Chang-Jun Gao, You-Gen Shen: Quintessence Cosmology in the Brans-Dicke Theory
 Xian-Hui Ge, You-Gen Shen: Entropy in the NUT-Kerr-Newman Black Holes due to an Arbitrary Spin Field