作者: Ralph P.Boas著;Harold P.Boas校订
- 高等教育出版社
- 9787040570281
- 1版
- 412713
- 46253873-7
- 精装
- 16开
- 2022-02-28
- 560
- 352
- 理学
- 数学
- 数学类
- 研究生及以上
Chapter 1 From Complex Numbers to Cauchy's Theorem
1. Complex Numbers
2. Functions
3. Power Series
4. Some Elementary Functions
5. Curves and Integrals
6. Cauchy's Theorem
Chapter 2 Applications of Cauchy's Theorem
7. Cauchy's Integral Formula
8. Isolated Singular Points
9. Evaluation ofDefinite Integrals
10. Logarithms and General Powers
11. Additional Definite Integrals
12. Zeros ofAnalytic Functions
13. Univalence and Inverses
14. Laurent Series
15. Combinations ofPower Series and Laurent Series
16. The Maximum Principle
Chapter 3 Analytic Continuation
17. The Idea ofAnalytic Continuation
18. Power Series on the Circle ofConvergence
Chapter 4 Harmonic Functions and Conformal Mapping
19. Harmonic Functions
20. Harmonic Functions in a Disk
*21. Harmonic Functions and Fourier Series
22. Conformal Mapping
23. Some Applications ofConformal Mapping to Physics
24. Some Special Flows
25. Mobius Transformations
26. Further Examples ofTransformations and Flows
27. Dirichlet Problems in General
28. The Riemann Mapping Theorem
29. Intuitive Riemann Surfaces
Chapter 5 Miscellaneous Topics
30. A Non-Euclidean Geometry
31. Infinite Products
32. Rate ofGrowth Versus Number ofZeros
33. Generalizations ofthe Maximum Principle
34. Asymptotic Series
35. Univalent Functions in the Disk
Solutions of Exercises
About the Authors